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    Jerry Bruette


    I agree with you, but what's the margin of error and how was it determined.

    Jerry Bruette Today, 8:14 PM Go to last post
    Haitham Jaber

    Oilstones sharpening

    Thank you guys, your help is unvaluable.

    I rarely grind (I have a small hand cranked grinder that I use to shape blades sometimes or to make

    Haitham Jaber Today, 8:06 PM Go to last post
    Dave Anderson NH


    We get calls for surveys (mostly politics) constantly since NH is the first in the nation primary. I don't participate and when answering one of our

    Dave Anderson NH Today, 8:03 PM Go to last post
    chris hood

    Router questions

    Thank you for sharing.

    chris hood Today, 7:55 PM Go to last post
    Jim Becker

    Carving Edges. Need Bit

    Using a down cut for these deep, um, cuts...can be an issue because the chips will not get cleared which raises the heat significantly. It can actually

    Jim Becker Today, 7:45 PM Go to last post
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