Quote Originally Posted by Karl Loeblein View Post
I wonder if there's a difference in protection with the 3 different types of FLU vaccines available this season?

  • IIV- Inactivated Influenza Vaccine administered as a shot
  • RIV - Recombinant Influenza Vaccine administered as a shot
  • LAIV - Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine or LAIV administered as a nasal spray.

Assuming each variant is made by different pharmaceutical companies.
The LAIV has been much less effective in several recent years, it wasn't available at all in our state this year due to efficacy concerns. The others are available in several different formulations, high and low dose, and seem to have similar efficacy. If one is concerned about the potential from illness from the vaccine then the recombinant vaccine is a good bet as it contains no whole or live virus. If you are in a very high risk group I'd consult with a physician about which is best for you. On general principles I'd expect the inactivated mix of viruses to have the best chance of working in any given year, but I haven't really looked at the data to know that's true.