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Thread: That took commitment, and had to hurt.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Winterville, NC (eastern NC)
    Same woman and her significant other both got some jail time for trying to defraud the insurance company by filing a disability claim worth over a million dollars.
    I nominate them for the Darwin Award.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Elfert View Post
    I have accidental death and dismemberment insurance through work that pays up to $250,000. It pays $250,000 for accidental death, but I believe it is also a $250,000 payout for loss of finger. Maybe it has to be the whole hand for full payout. I haven't read it in a long time. I would rather keep my finger or hand. The death payout only helps my estate since I have no wife or partner and no kids.
    Mine was quite specific and gave different increasing amounts of money for: one finger, multiple fingers, a hand, an arm... and so on, with similar for toes, feet, and legs. Max was only around $50,000, which is not much for an arm and a leg, pun intended. I would, in the case of earning said payout, buy a nice car, and everyone would get sick of me saying that I gave an arm and a leg for it. My tombstone would read, “Here lies most of Malcolm, minus an arm and a leg.” I would require all my friends to call me “Lucky.” By the way, if you think I am kidding, you don’t know me very well. I would own it and use it to make folks laugh. When I was a kid, I had a horrible bike wreck. I was said to be dead at the scene and then revived in the ambulance. I was told I might not walk again, and for years I walked crooked and had to wear a back brace to straighten me up. To this day I joke about it. My brothers called me “Mister Lean” because I leaned to one side.

    A few years later I had another bike wreck (I really wasn’t very good with those contraptions) and was knocked unconscious. My friends went to my house and told mom I was dead. She said, “take me to him- he’s done this before.” They found me, still unconscious, face down in the dirt on a 104 degree Fourth of July day. The paramedics revived me. Fortunately, I was mostly just badly bruised from that one.

    Insurance companies hate me. I cost them more alive than if I would just die for once... so far I’ve done it twice. ;-)

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Minneapolis, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Malcolm Schweizer View Post
    Mine was quite specific and gave different increasing amounts of money for: one finger, multiple fingers, a hand, an arm... and so on, with similar for toes, feet, and legs. Max was only around $50,000, which is not much for an arm and a leg, pun intended. I would, in the case of earning said payout, buy a nice car, and everyone would get sick of me saying that I gave an arm and a leg for it. My tombstone would read, “Here lies most of Malcolm, minus an arm and a leg.” I
    I was incorrect on the payouts. You have to lose both hands, both feet, or one of each to get a full payout. The payout is 50% for a single hand or foot. You can also get various payouts for paralysis, loss of speech, or loss of hearing.

  4. #19
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    Northern Florida
    Cutting off your hand with a circular saw is taking things to a new level, but this is not a new idea. Ever hear of "Nub City"? Town of 600 or so in, where else, Florida was at one time responsible for 2/3 of all the lost-limb insurance claims in the entire country.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    I remember as a kid they gave us paperwork at school to take home so our parents could buy that insurance. Us kids read it and laughed about how you had to die in little pieces to get any real money. No one's parents signed up for it that I knew of. Did the school get a kickback? why else would they hand it out? Probably not allowed in school today.
    Bill D

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Rutherford View Post
    Cutting off your hand with a circular saw is taking things to a new level, but this is not a new idea. Ever hear of "Nub City"? Town of 600 or so in, where else, Florida was at one time responsible for 2/3 of all the lost-limb insurance claims in the entire country.
    Wow! It's a strange world we live in.

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