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Thread: Did you get a flu shot?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Wayland, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Loeblein View Post
    I wonder if there's a difference in protection with the 3 different types of FLU vaccines available this season?

    • IIV- Inactivated Influenza Vaccine administered as a shot
    • RIV - Recombinant Influenza Vaccine administered as a shot
    • LAIV - Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine or LAIV administered as a nasal spray.

    Assuming each variant is made by different pharmaceutical companies.
    The LAIV has been much less effective in several recent years, it wasn't available at all in our state this year due to efficacy concerns. The others are available in several different formulations, high and low dose, and seem to have similar efficacy. If one is concerned about the potential from illness from the vaccine then the recombinant vaccine is a good bet as it contains no whole or live virus. If you are in a very high risk group I'd consult with a physician about which is best for you. On general principles I'd expect the inactivated mix of viruses to have the best chance of working in any given year, but I haven't really looked at the data to know that's true.

  2. #32
    I never get one. Can't remember last time I was actually sick.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I got my annual shot in October. It may or may not be totally effective, however, I see no need to gamble with this as the science behind it is well proven. I don't much care if not everyone gets the flu shot either. What is very concerning is the anti-vax movement.

  4. #34
    I don't get it, and haven't for 12-15 years. Every time I got it, I was sick, haven't had the flu since.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    My 103 year old Mother had to go into Assisted Living a few months ago. They told her that she would have to have a flu shot, and asked her when she had her last one. She is still completely clear headed, and doesn't forget anything. She told them that the only vaccinations that she'd ever had were for Smallpox, and Polio, and have never had a flu shot.

    I never remember her ever being sick, other than a couple of sniffly nose colds. She still has all her teeth, and has never had a cavity.

    She told them that she would take the flu shot, if she had to. No one would give it to her. They said that whatever she'd been doing so far had been working, and any one of them would be mortified if she got sick from getting the shot, so she is not only the oldest client they've ever had, but the only one not to get the required flu shot.

  6. #36
    For nearly 40 years, I only got a flu shot twice because my MIL, a nurse insisted. Those two years, I got the flu worse than I ever had it with out the shots. Yeah, I know the shot won't give you the flu. But somehow it seems to attract it. Anyway, I get them now since I developed respiratory problems. My Mrs. is also a nurse at the local hospital. She tells me the shots this year slightly missed the mark when anticipating the types of flu that will be spreading. She has lots of cases of people getting flu despite the shots. So, I make fewer trips to places like supermarkets and out in public, and go when crowds are down, (like 6 am) I use wipes on the grocery cart handles, etc. I also eat citrus every day. Have every winter since I was a kid. Grapefruit, oranges, mandarins, drink hot Lemonade or limeade instead of coffee. etc. Every October I buy a case or two of limes, juice them, and freeze the juice. I have enough for hot drinks in winter and cold drinks in summer. This past year I got three cases of limes and two of lemons for $14.00. Might have enough for two years now.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Lafayette, IN
    My vaccine: eat well, exercise, be exposed (I work at a busy courthouse--you wouldn't believe the number of people who don't have a basic concept of hygiene), drink moderate amounts of alcohol almost daily, stay active aside from the exercise. I've probably had the flu twice in the last 25 years. My two sons (18 & 20) both had the flu the week of Christmas, when I was mostly home--neither my wife nor I caught it (one was tested, the other had the same symptoms).

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  8. #38
    Yes, every season but never did until I got married (thanks to my wife for mandating regular health checkups, booster shots, etc.). When I was in my 20’s, got the flu when I was a retail manager for Petco. On the road a lot, long hours, etc. Thought I could tough it out. Flu turned into pneumonia over the next couple of months. Had a fever of 104 one morning, was so weak I couldn’t get out of bed one morning. Had to call my mom to take me to the ER. I had lost 20 lbs. during that time. Took me a couple if years to really recover. Moral of the tale being, I’m not too proud to go across the street to Walgreens for a flu shot.

    Ex-SCM and Felder rep

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Yes, in Toronto we had a couple of cases of Coronavirus.

    The one man that was hospitalized has gone home now.

    Apparently Canada averages 3,500 deaths annually from influenza......I was amazed that it was that high......Rod

  10. #40
    I have never had a flu shot in 52 years and swore I would never ever get one. I have always been of the notion that not having one my body builds diverse defense against the flu and like Darcy I am rarely ever sick. This year is a little different. I am maybe an odd bird in that Im 52, no kids, and now spend 98% of my time locked in my shop working. I dont come in contact with people a lot, I dont have petri dishes (kids) coming home every day with their own snot, feces from picking their crotch, and other kids pathogens, that my body builds immunity to, but the deal breaker for me was on a recent doctor visit we were talking about my work load and we currently have a project running at an assisted living/rehab facility (elderly) and in the conversation I had mentioned that just walking in that place gave me the creeps as far as getting sick or catching a bug, and she said "well another thing you may want to think about is YOU bringing a bug in there to them".

    I got the flu shot.

    Im healthy. Im confident I can fight and likely work through a bunch of the flu. Ive done it a time or two in my life. But Im not really interested in the notion of making some poor old woman or man in the last stages of their time on the planet, in a place that is not a pleasant place to be, sick.

    Im still not happy I got the shot, but it is what it is.
    Last edited by Mark Bolton; 02-08-2020 at 12:46 PM.

  11. #41
    I have 3 kids, they have all been sick this winter, I am the one that takes care of them because I rarely get sick.
    I attribute my resistance it to not washing my hands before I eat and a glass of Lagavulin once a month. Lol

    Maybe its because I also never use antibacterial hand cleanser either. I feel the more you try to protect yourself from germs, the more susceptible you are.

    My SIL is a doctor, her and I don't get along well when it comes to health care practices, mostly because I hate doctors and the entire healthcare industry.
    Last edited by Darcy Warner; 02-08-2020 at 12:54 PM.

  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Darcy Warner View Post
    I have 3 kids, they have all been sick this winter, I am the one that takes care of them because I rarely get sick.
    I attribute my resistance it to not washing my hands before I eat and a glass of Lagavulin once a month. Lol

    Maybe its because I also never use antibacterial hand cleanser either. I feel the more you try to protect yourself from germs, the more susceptible you are.

    My SIL is a doctor, her and I don't get along well when it comes to health care practices, mostly because I hate doctors and the entire healthcare industry.
    You and I are out of the same mold. I believe chewing horse, cow, dog, whatever **** out from under your fingernails is what makes you strong. Parents who dont allow their kids on the floor, in the dirt, mud, and so on, wind up with the sickest kids on the planet. Its the answer behind peanut allergies and the malady of other "new" allergies that plague everyone in the US (strange its mostly in the US? We have tampered with the food).

    That said, I have a soft spot for the extremely young and the extremely old. My getting a flu shot may do nothing, may help, I guess may hurt,... who knows.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Minneapolis, MN
    I got the flu shot in October or November, but still got influenza in January. I had a 104 temp which is pretty high for an adult.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    West Lafayette, IN
    Every year. I believe in science.

  15. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Day View Post
    Every year. I believe in science.
    I am a colossal science junkie but the flu shot is simply a pull of the arm on a one armed bandit. They are making an educated guess as to whether the influenza virus is going to turn left, right, hard left, hard right, up, down, and so on. Its been widely reported by the clinicians themselves that the year they completely miss and it goes left and they go right, all hell is going to break loose. Hopefully they get a handle on it before that roll of the dice plays out.

    My guess has always been that if we were a bit more dirty on a daily basis, and we were smart enough back in the day to not allow food/chem/pharma to tamper with the food supply and our drinking water, we'd have far less flu, allergy, MS, Cancer, Parkinsons, Lou Gherigs, and keep on running down the list. The crap in the system has made us weaker while many have gotten richer. Hopefully the tide will turn and we will get healthier.

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