I had an on-line subscription - got it because of a couple impending "durable goods" purchases. Then let it lapse.

Just re-upped, because I need a new printer, and I am maybe going to get a vehicle - which will likely be used. Their history on performance/repairs is very good, IMO.

I have never been steered wrong - I like their ranked scores, with multiple choices for me to select - don't always pick the top-of-the-litter, but at the same time, there is info there that I use to avoid dogs.

They do have a certain bias - in cars, it is safety above all else, hence past years of high-ranking Volvos, which challenged Saab as the most boring vehicles on the planet.

Last - I especially like the fact that there are no advertisers in the background - they walk into a store, and buy the product the same as you and I do.

You can get a mountainous overload of information on the internet. Every idiot with a keyboard can make his voice heard []such as me, here, for instance]. My concern is always with the source.