Getting ready to do some wall cabinets, and I've got all my face frame and door parts milled and cut. Was going to start assembling carcasses this weekend when I happened to glance at plywood prices at the BORG !!!!!!! So the quality of BORG 3/4 plywood is pretty well known (lots of voids). A call to the local place that supplies the higher-end shops is 90$ for a 4X8 birch. Given the number of cabinets I have to do, 90$ a pop is pretty much a deal breaker. Convince me to do so anyway! How bad IS the BORG plywood? I've used it before in other projects (Xcut sled, etc...), and it is pretty "voidy". Assuming I'm screwing and gluing butt joints on these, are they coming off the wall anyways? There are no other options here: Super expensive place, or expensive BORG. If it helps, these are my walls they'd come crashing down from.....