Here is what I came up with for the amazing piece of mahogany. If you missed the thread, here is that piece of wood:

Sorry, posting from the phone, so pics will be sideways. Maybe the next one I will take the pic sideways and it will be upright!

I am literally sitting at a restaurant with my sketch pad, drawing the armoir that I want to build with this. It would be maple, and the mahogany would be book matched for the panels. The smaller board would be the drawers. Here is where I am stuck. The doors will be a shaker rail and stile. The drawers would be solid, so they would align with the outer edge of the stiles of the doors. I don’t like that. I like the darker mahogany of the drawers to align with the darker mahogany of the doors. This is how I drew it:


Of course I photograph it sideways and it comes out sideways. Let’s try again.


Dude. I photographed it upright and it comes out sideways. I give up. Hold your head sideways. So, the drawers in the pic line up with the darker mahogany. Should I nix that and just have them come all the way to the edge? Should I have a rail between them or just make them fit together bookmatched?