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Thread: New plane

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Ottawa, On

    New plane

    ...No.... not from us (yet)....but one I ordered a couple of years ago. No pics - as I don't have it yet.....but will post when it shows up.

    What really makes this plane special is the story (besides being an excellent plane). It's made by Konrad Sauer, and is a 1 1/2 wide infill shoulder plane. The story is really about the infill....

    Alexander Muir was three years old when he emigrated from Scotland, to Toronto Ontario in 1833. He grew up in the Toronto area, and went to Queens College in Kingston ON (now Queens University) and returned to Toronto where he was a teacher, songwriter, poet, and soldier in the The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada. He fought at the battle of Ridgeway shortly before our confederation - the first action for an all-Canadian military unit.

    In 1867 - the year of confederation, he wrote "the Maple Leaf Forever", inspired by a large maple tree on his street, in front of Maple Cottage. For many years, the song was considered to be the unofficial national anthem of Canada: "O Canada" was not written until 1880, and only adopted as our official national anthem in 1980.

    In July of 2013 - a windstorm took out the maple tree that was the inspiration for for Muir. The wood was harvested, and used to make culturally significant objects, such as the the Speakers podium for Toronto City Council, the Gavel for the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Maple Leaf Guitars (an electric, and an acoustic) custodianship of which are awarded annually to Canadian musicians. The first custodians (2016) were Colin Cripps of Blue Rodeo (acoustic) and Paul Langlois of the Tragically Hip (electric).

    So, Konrad was able to get his hands on a chunk of wood from the tree (I believe from one of the Guitarmakers ). He had the maple dyed red (of course!) - and that's what the infills of the two bookmatched shoulder planes he made are from.

    Even though silver maple wood is not so prized (that's being charitable) - the finished product is spectacular - red with a white stripe running through the wedge and infill....

    Hopefully - he'll post his work to his website, as I will only have one of the planes. The pair should really been seen together to appreciate the mastery involved with Konrad's work....

    Can't wait for the box to arrive!

    Cheers -

    Last edited by Rob Lee; 09-22-2020 at 10:16 AM.

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