I'm beginning to research building a sideboard and was wondering if someone could point me to a good book or articles on the possible ways (along with advantages/disadvantages) of going about the case construction. Specifically, I'm looking for information on the proper way(s) to tackle the back, drawer dividers, runners, etc... and do it all in a way that accounts for wood movement.

Here are the kinds of questions I'm looking to answer:

  • So far, I've come across two main strategies for the case - dovetails or frame and panel. Why would someone choose one method over the other - is it mainly for aesthetic reasons or are there other things to consider?
  • If opting for frame and panel construction, should the grain in the case sides run veritcally or horizontally?
  • How should the drawer runners/guides attach to the inside of the carcass (again so that when it moves, nothing splits).