Hey everyone,

Well the good news is that I finally finished the trestle table I was building, and it looks great! The bad news is, after about 6 months the joinery that holds the stretcher has failed.

The table is the Trestle Table from Woodsmith Vol 31 No 181. The Stretcher is notched to create a waist, which is trapped between two notches in the legs (see pics below). The joints held fine until recently, when I noticed that the tables is a bit more wobbly/rack-y. (My 6 and 4 year olds treating it like a jungle-gym may have contributed to this, but they deny any responsibility... )

It is not possible to remove the stretcher from between the legs at this point and re-glue the joint, as the legs are now trapped int he arms/feet of the table. As you've probably deduced, I'm looking for a way to shore up the joint again. Im not convinced that just injecting glue into the joint will do the job. I've though of drilling into the stretcher/leg somehow to join them together more securely, but Im not sure which angle would work best from both a structural and aesthetic point of view.

Any tips or other ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
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