Ahat a beautiful shop! Especially love the router table cabinet! By any chance do you have plans for that?
Thx for sharing!

Quote Originally Posted by Alan Lightstone View Post
OK. My $0.02

I far prefer slatwall over pegboard. Much cleaner, professional look.

I'm a big believer in wall cabinets with plastic pull out bins. The problem is that the company that made them for years seems to have stopped making almost all of them. I have a huge supply in multiple closets, and my workshop, but still regret that I can't get new ones. I put the shelves in the cabinets at the appropriate heights to allow stacking of the bins. It's an incredibly organized, space efficient, OCD way I've always organized my workshops.

I build most components of my workshop with fairly deep drawers. My table saw side table has 24" deep drawers, and the same with my outfeed table. I can easily store many jigs, saws, etc... as well as specialized drawers for router bits, saw blades, push blocks, etc...

I build my own cabinets. This allows customization, and hones your skills for fine furniture building projects later.

Clamps I place in a clamp rack, whose design I stole from someone years ago. I can never remember his name, sadly, to give him credit, but it's absurdly space efficient.

Ceiling mounted air filters are a must for me, as well as more lighting than you ever think you would need. You can't overdo that.

Anyway, that's a start. Still being tortured by contractor finishing the walls in my shop, so no finished pictures yet.

Oh, and tons of good advice here.

Table Saw Side Table.jpg
Router Table.jpg
Table Saw with Tables surrounding it.jpg
Workshop Cabinets around Table Saw.jpg
Clamp Rack.jpg
Aaarrghhhhh!!!!! I can't remember the procedure to make the photos not show up rotated.