You need to find someone local that has a festool or mirka sander and ask to try it for a few minutes. Comfort and feel alone may make you switch. Aside from that longevity of the festool/mirka will be greater than the bosch maybe not 10x greater but much greater. Actual sanding speed I dont know that I have read any data on that though the Rotex is always an option if you are looking to speed things up on rougher boards.
George , your comment about sandpaper is on point. However the rest of it makes it seem as if you didn’t read this thread -and- clearly have no clue or experience with the Bosch sander in question.

First, these dual (rotex) sanders aren’t bought for “comfort” and “feel”. They just aren’t that kind of sander.

Two, the Bosch version has 90-95% of the performance , capability , collection , ect…. of the Festool. Yet cost 1/3 the price.