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Thread: daughter needs guidance

  1. #1

    daughter needs guidance


    My daughter has recently shown an interest in learning to carve. I am a turner, my wife a scroller, and she is an artist. Is there anyone in the Saratoga/Amsterdam NY area who would be willing to give her a few pointers. The 2 carvers I know give classes during the day mon-fri but as she works fulltime she is not able to attend. They are also at Senior centers and being only 24 she can't quite pass for a senior! We were at the NWA showcase this past weekend and her interest got sparked even more. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Kansas City, MO
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Nilson View Post

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Always wear the glove. Senior centers will often welcome younger participants.

  3. #3
    Mike Bloomquist's home area. Hera is a link to the carving club there I am sure they can help.

    Garry McKinney
    A new day is a new chance.

  4. #4
    Can she offer a seniors centre an interesting trade.

    In return for her taking some carving lessons she will give some painting lessons

  5. #5
    Hi Dave,

    Some good ideas have been recommended already. My suggestion is to find out what type of carving most appeals to her and then find a weekend class somewhere. Chip Chats usually lists course offerings in the back. You could make it a father and daughter outing. I'd be thrilled if one of my kids wanted to carve. I've attended several weekend classes in the past and enjoyed them.


  6. #6

    Learning to carve

    If none of the above ideas work out, try some books and/or dvd's on how to carve. Many books have about 60 plus pages with step by step pictures. Nice selection at

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Oak Lawn, IL

    new carver


    My suggestion would be to contact your local carving club:

    Mohawk Valley Art & Woodcarving
    Amsterdam, NY
    President: Mike Bloomquist
    Web Site:

    Contact Mike, and he can give you all the information you need about instruction, club membership, etc. Just because the club meets at the senior center does not mean there are all old goats there!!!

    Another resource is This site has links to almost all of the carving supply companies, tutorials, an online magazine, and a host of other resources.

    There is an email list that includes many of the top carvers in the USA, as well as many beginners.
    Not only will she enjoy the email conversations, but it is a resource for her to ask questions, and meet people with a common interest.

    Another resource is, lots of information and inspiration. And, if she decide she likes carving, she might want to become a member of this group:

    Finally, if she has the time and the financial resources, check out this event:
    One full week of instruction from the most of the top carvers in the country, including classes tailored fro beginners. Wonderfull people, and a LOT of fun and learning.

    Good Luck,
    Dan Heine
    Last edited by Daniel Heine; 07-25-2008 at 10:14 AM.

  8. #8
    i like the idea of trading painting time for carving time. if she has painting talent dont be surprised if she becomes a good carver also.

    what i always tell people who ask this question is get some basic tools and some wood and have at it. nothing wrong with lessons and classes but if thats not possible dont let that stop her.

  9. #9
    There is a lot of information available, some of the information relates to specific types of carving. If she is interested in relief carving, I would suggest starting with a couple of videos. I liked:

    The Basics of European Woodcarving with Nora Hall

    Beginning Woodcarving


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Nehalem, Oregon

    Interesting note.

    I was thumbing through a book yesterday, the subject was woodcarving, and the author mentioned his journey in the craft of decoy carving. The author made a point of stating that he had to acquire more painting skill than carving skill. He has some nice work and quite a few awards (sorry I didn't remember his name), but this might be one item to mention to your daughter. Tie together both art forms for a unique presentation or a creative twist on her work. I can neither carve nor paint, so she has a big lead on someone else that is lacking those skills.

    Good luck! Maybe we will see her work published some day.

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