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Thread: Left lane

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Howatt View Post
    The situation that bugs me the most is on 2 lane (1 in each direction) that has a passing lane for one direction often when the road design doesn't allow passing for a distance or there is a grade involved. People poke along in the 2 lane section of the highway and when you think you'll get safely by when a passing lane is encountered they speed up, often over the limit, for the duration of the passing lane. This makes it difficult to get by (legally).

    Yes, that bugs me as well. My theory for the freeway lanes is that it's a status thing. Some folks view themselves as special, fast-lane type people, who don't associate with those middle-lane types. This explains the common jam in the left lane, while the right lane is empty and much faster.

  2. #17
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    We have all been plagued by people who should not be driving. If you have to pace me, or tailgate the guy over there, or hover in my blind spot in order to operate your motor vehicle . . . go home, park the car, and watch TV.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  3. #18
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    We have all been plagued by people who should not be driving. If you have to pace me, or tailgate
    Many years ago one of my ways to earn money was to caddy at a golf course. One of the holes teed off over a road. Occasionally a drive would go very wrong and hit the road. Sometimes the ball would end up under a car. It would bounce up and hit the underside of the car and be knocked forward to bounce up again, hitting the underside again. This would continue until the driver stopped the car and let the ball roll away.

    It has given me an idea for dealing with tailgaters. Though most likely it will never be set up an any of my vehicles.

    A back mounted flamethrower might be effective.

    Maybe a noxious odor emitter…

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  4. #19
    Certainly the world can be divided into two groups:
    - Inferior drivers.
    - Superior drivers.

    Isn’t it wonderful that only the superior group is here?

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Blue View Post
    If they force the 68 mile an hour speed limit on all new large trucks it will really become a logjam. It's already bad enough. You encounter a truck running (governed for example 65 and another that may also be governed the same but whether it's lighter, it has slightly larger drive tires, or is slightly more aerodynamic is attempting to pass. 3 miles down the road it's a half a trailer length ahead. There are 30 vehicles lined up behind it and everyone is impatient.
    A perfect description of I10 between Phoenix and the California line...and most of the trucks involved have "FEDEX" painted on the side. (I don't know if they have governors or not. I was once told that it was due to company rules that docked pay for late arrival at waypoints and also docked pay for excessive over-limit driving, enforced by black-box monitors.) For my more-or-less annual Sedona vacation, Google Maps claims that route is about 30 minutes faster than via I40;; in real life, the 50-mile longer northern route is far less annoying and a push on time.

    Re camping in the left lane: on that same drive, the left lane is much smoother than the right lane, presumably because that's where the big rigs spend most of their time.
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
    We used to be hunter gatherers. Now we're shopper borrowers.
    The three most important words in the English language: "Front Towards Enemy".
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Koepke View Post
    Many years ago one of my ways to earn money was to caddy at a golf course. One of the holes teed off over a road. Occasionally a drive would go very wrong and hit the road.
    Heh. Many moons ago, I discovered I needed one PE credit for my math BS degree, and "Intermediate Golf" was the only class that fit my schedule. (I think the main difference between "beginning" and "intermediate" was that the students in the latter class were assumed to know which end of the tee to stick in the ground.) The class was held on a field normally used for soccer practice, with a chain-link fence at the other end covered in the typical green vinyl. The instructor (who apparently had never seen this field before) told us to hit 5-irons so he could evaluate our swings. I pointed out that the fence was only about 125 yards away, and that on the other side was a road whose name started with "I" and ended with "25". He said, "So?", whereupon I dropped my shot about five feet short of the fence...with a pitching wedge.

    And so, this:

    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
    We used to be hunter gatherers. Now we're shopper borrowers.
    The three most important words in the English language: "Front Towards Enemy".
    The world makes a lot more sense when you remember that Butthead was the smart one.
    You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much ammo.

  7. #22
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    Elmodel, Ga.
    In Georgia it is illegal to drive in the left lane except to pass, unless traffic is heavy. This law has been on the books, I know, since the mid 70's. I was pulled over by GSP back then and was shown the statute. Thankfullly I plead naive and was let off with a warning. It was even broadcast on the news and in the paper several years ago to let the public know it was a law. Until the cops start enforcing the law, it will continue.
    My Dad always told me "Can't Never Could".


  8. #23
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    Moved back to the states after 20 years on an island. I still knew how to stay in the right lane when going at or below the speed limit. I’m amazed at how many people don’t know. If I’m in the left lane, going proper left lane speeds, I mind my rear view for any upcoming cars and make sure I get over.

    I can’t understand people that go slow in the entry lane to the interstate. I got behind one yesterday. I was on my motorcycle. I have to merge into I95 with all her tractor trailers, and this guy is going 45 in the on-ramp. He went all the way to the end of the ramp to get on when there were openings in traffic. I ended up taking an opening and immediately moving over another lane so he could still get in. He waited to the very end and THEN he looks to see if there is an opening. Ugh.

    “Hey Siri, show me how to get to (destination) avoiding highways.” It works. That’s my go-to when on the bike.

  9. #24
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    Where are these people supposed to have learned basic rules? Drivers Ed in high school is rare these days, and so are parents who know the rules themselves. It should be harder than it is to get a drivers license.
    < insert spurious quote here >

  10. #25
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    Then there are all those drivers who have no clue what a center turn lane is for and how to use it.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger wiegand View Post
    Then there are all those drivers who have no clue what a center turn lane is for and how to use it.
    Or how to use the turn signal. My wife and I's joke between us is you would think a vehicle that new would have been equipped with turn signals.

  12. #27
    I actually had a guy say to me "I already stopped when I was further back in line coming to the intersection, so I don't have to stop when I get to the stop sign.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee DeRaud View Post
    Heh. Many moons ago, I discovered I needed one PE credit for my math BS degree, and "Intermediate Golf" was the only class that fit my schedule. (I think the main difference between "beginning" and "intermediate" was that the students in the latter class were assumed to know which end of the tee to stick in the ground.) The class was held on a field normally used for soccer practice, with a chain-link fence at the other end covered in the typical green vinyl. The instructor (who apparently had never seen this field before) told us to hit 5-irons so he could evaluate our swings. I pointed out that the fence was only about 125 yards away, and that on the other side was a road whose name started with "I" and ended with "25". He said, "So?", whereupon I dropped my shot about five feet short of the fence...with a pitching wedge.
    Maybe it was his first time teaching "intermediate" golf.

    I can’t understand people that go slow in the entry lane to the interstate. I got behind one yesterday. I was on my motorcycle.
    I haven't been in Texas for about 50 years, but last time there, they had stop signs at the bottom of highway on ramps.

    That and rest areas without restrooms made me think of never going there again. So far there has been no need to visit again.

    Last edited by Jim Koepke; 05-23-2024 at 4:28 PM. Reason: Hit send too soon
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  14. #29
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    My favorite is drivers who don't slow down for a stop sign, run through it, and turn in front of you when you are 45-50mph. Brian

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Koepke View Post
    Maybe it was his first time teaching "intermediate" golf.
    Could be, and I'm also not sure he realized how far a 5-iron would carry at that altitude (Denver). In any case, for the rest of the classes at that field, he brought a big bag of wiffle-balls.

    My other experience with odd golf course boundaries was at McCoy AFB in Orlando (long since closed). Par-4 first hole, fairway ran along the run-off area at the end of the main runway. There was a big sign on top of the fence that read,
    "Do NOT retrieve golf balls hit over fence: course marshals carry M16s."
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
    We used to be hunter gatherers. Now we're shopper borrowers.
    The three most important words in the English language: "Front Towards Enemy".
    The world makes a lot more sense when you remember that Butthead was the smart one.
    You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much ammo.

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