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Thread: Moxon Vice Build Questions

  1. #1

    Moxon Vice Build Questions

    Hi Everyone....

    I getting ready to build a Moxon Vice. I cut up an old Weider Barbell with 1 inch Acme threads and the turn locks.

    First has anyone used 1 inch, 1 1/4 inch copper tube (or Brass bushings) to line the holes drilled into the front and back vice pieces to help with wear?

    Secondly, have you had any issues making the front and rear vice pieces level with each other? I haven't heard anyone address this, maybe I'm overthinking the process, and would a small fraction of an inch really matter that much.......

    Thanks for any input..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth, Australia
    Hi Edward

    I cannot comment on the Weider barbell and thread components, other than to note that this seems like overkill to me - it comes down to how easy and comfortable they are in use. I can offer insights of 10 years of using Moxon dovetail vises. I have built two in all, although the first was modified a number of times. The second version contains all I learned, and is named The Last Moxon Vise. The details are here:

    Very early on, I learned that one saws with the workpiece low down for stability, but mark/transfer higher up to avoid slicing up the chop. As a result, I cannot recommend Moxon tables. My Moxon has a spacer to lift the work piece.

    I do a lot of dovetailing, and my design comes from experience, not second hand.

    Regards from Perth


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    West Tennessee
    I use cut barbell for my Moxon. To address your question; I have not lined my holes, nor have I seen wear (I'm using white oak). My Moxon is crude at best, following the views of Derek's work which can only be described a work of art.

    My attachment into the rear (non-movable) face is a tight fit of the knurled bar surface epoxied into a thru hole as I'm showing on its side during the glue up.

    Moxon GlueUp.jpgMoxon1.jpg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    The old pueblo in el norte.
    In my experience, the front and rear vise chops don't need to be level with eachother as neither are reference edfes. It just looks nice if they are.

    happy in my mud hut

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by mike stenson View Post
    In my experience, the front and rear vise chops don't need to be level with eachother as neither are reference edfes. It just looks nice if they are.
    Mike. it is not about references. It is about transfer and sawing.

    Regards from Perth


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    The old pueblo in el norte.
    Quote Originally Posted by Derek Cohen View Post
    Mike. it is not about references. It is about transfer and sawing.

    Regards from Perth

    Derek, I don't seek how 2-3mm would make a difference in either. I reference off of ther rear chop for transferring (so the front chop doesn't matter), I don't really care where the chops are, other than support for sawing. The rear chops of both of my moxon vises are parallel to my bench top.

    Mine are planed so they're coplanar, but that was an anesthetic issue for me. In practice it'd be like the front vise chop being 2mm lower than my bench. It is so currently, and I don't notice it in use.

    happy in my mud hut

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth, Australia
    Mike, we are likely talking about different aspects, designs and methods.

    In addition to sawing, the Moxon is used for transferring the tails to the pin board. To avoid slicing up the chop with a marking knife, the pin board needs to be raised up at least 1/2" above the chop.

    My initial efforts used a loose space ....

    I got tired of putting the spacer in a safe place, so I attached it with hingers ..

    It folds out of the way when not in use ...

    My new Moxon does this more elegantly ...

    The spacer may be dropped out of the way, once the height is set ...

    The second use of the new hinged spacer is that it has a sliding dovetail at the top, and this allows for the use of MicroJig clamps. This would be especially useful for holding wide boards, or tail board which have developed a slight bow ...

    Link to this build:

    Regards from Perth


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    The old pueblo in el norte.
    I'm going to apologize. I haven't even read the above reply (yet) because...

    I do not know what I was thinking. This past weekend was nothing but stock prep and I was clearly not thinking about this correctly. I could not even contemplate why someone would be worried about the vice chop faces being parallel, because it simply doesn't matter (in fact, you really WANT them to float). For some reason, because of that, I was thinking the tops, which can be handy for marking (depending on how you support the tail boards).

    So apologies to all involved for my useless comments I hope everyone had a great weekend!
    Last edited by mike stenson; 01-18-2022 at 12:01 PM.

    happy in my mud hut

  9. #9
    Since some of you have extensive experience with these vices, I'm wondering if they are strong enough for re-sawing with a 48" frame saw which I want to build. I don't think my current vice will be up to the task so I will need to do some kind of upgrade to my bench or add a Moxon.

  10. #10
    Derek, I love your setup. I'm ordering some moxon hardware and I'm going to attempt to copy yours. I think I'll try to find some walnut for mine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Eagle, WI

    How did you determine the height from the floor to the top of your Moxon when the vise sits on your bench? Is there a general rule of thumb for figuring this out?

    My Roubo bench is approximately 35 1/2 inches tall. Having used it for about 10 years, I think and feel it may be too high for my 5’8” height: When I put my Moxon vise on top I stand on a 4 inch platform to cut dovetails. It’s time to make my life easier, after all my twin brother turns 68 this year.

    Benchcrafted posted a photo on their blog of Narayan Nayar’s adjustable height Moxon vise, which he built using Noden Adjust-A-Bench legs.

    This looks like a handy method of making adjustments on the fly. Alternatively, if I had a good idea of the final height for me I’d make a cabinet to use exclusively with the Moxon vise.

    I plan to incorporate the ideas you have shared when rebuild my vise.

    Thank you,


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