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Thread: Vaccination Arm

  1. #46
    For those who are above age 50, I found the Shingles vaccine (two doses, like Moderna/Pfizer) to be SIGNIFICANTLY worse as far as side effects. Felt like my left side had been hit by a car on both first and second dose. I just read that for those of us who received Pfizer, a third booster will likely be required within a year. Hopefully, we'll just be able to walk into a local Walgreens or CVS and get it on the spot.

    Ex-SCM and Felder rep

  2. #47
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    shingles vaccines

    Quote Originally Posted by Erik Loza View Post
    For those who are above age 50, I found the Shingles vaccine (two doses, like Moderna/Pfizer) to be SIGNIFICANTLY worse as far as side effects. Felt like my left side had been hit by a car on both first and second dose. ...
    Apparently side effects vary considerably among individuals. My wife and I got both shingles vaccinations some years ago when we were about 65 - no noticeable side effects. Our youngest son got his first a few weeks ago and also had no reaction. Perhaps the difference is related to genetics.


  3. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    Apparently side effects vary considerably among individuals. My wife and I got both shingles vaccinations some years ago when we were about 65 - no noticeable side effects. Our youngest son got his first a few weeks ago and also had no reaction. Perhaps the difference is related to genetics.

    John, I'm sure you are right. The second Covid dose wasn't fun but Shingrix was a lot worse than we thought (seriously: I couldn't raise my left arm above my head for days). Maybe it was just a matter of expectation? In any event, glad to have both onboard.

    Ex-SCM and Felder rep

  4. #49
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    Jun 2019
    No real side effect from the first shot. Second shot was this past Tuesday evening and 30 hours later (4am last night) I woke up aching from my toes to my eyballs. One Aleve fixed me up.

  5. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Erik Loza View Post
    For those who are above age 50, I found the Shingles vaccine (two doses, like Moderna/Pfizer) to be SIGNIFICANTLY worse as far as side effects. Felt like my left side had been hit by a car on both first and second dose. I just read that for those of us who received Pfizer, a third booster will likely be required within a year. Hopefully, we'll just be able to walk into a local Walgreens or CVS and get it on the spot.

    I had that vaccination, also, and had no side effects except a sore arm.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  6. #51
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    Second Moderna shot yesterday. A sore arm and a headache and I'm at the office. If not for the sore arm, you could call it a normal Thursday!

    As others mentioned, it's odd how it effects people so differently. Judging by family and friends, I actually expected to be knocked out today but alas...
    A wannabe woodworker!

  7. #52
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    Sore arm for me for both Moderna shots and got pretty tired after the second one, but was back to normal in a day. My wife got J&J and she got some bad nausea for about a week but she's fine now.

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erik Loza View Post
    For those who are above age 50, I found the Shingles vaccine (two doses, like Moderna/Pfizer) to be SIGNIFICANTLY worse as far as side effects.
    Agreed! For me, side effects from the 2nd Moderna shot were fatigue, achiness, and a mild fever during the night (in addition to the sore arm). Side effects from the 2nd Shingrix rivaled some of the most awesome hangovers I have ever had, and my arm felt like I had been hit with a baseball bat.

    In both cases, no matter how dramatic the side effects felt at the time, the benefits of not contracting the disease far outweigh the temporary discomfort.

  9. #54
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    Second Moderna shot today around noon. Just a sore arm so far. Fingers crossed it stays that way! 10-12 hours after the shot is supposed to be when any side effects kick in. Hoping to sleep through it! Lol

  10. #55
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    I was a little achy after both shots and arm was pretty sore for about 3 days. (Moderna) I did have Covid as some of you know and it was a pretty tough time. No respirator but 8 days in the hospital with Covid pneumonia. So the shot was never in doubt for me. I don't ever want to deal with it again. The good news is the scarring in lungs that I had in January has healed and my lungs are now clear. So I feel blessed there.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Blue View Post
    I was a little achy after both shots and arm was pretty sore for about 3 days. (Moderna) I did have Covid as some of you know and it was a pretty tough time. No respirator but 8 days in the hospital with Covid pneumonia. So the shot was never in doubt for me. I don't ever want to deal with it again. The good news is the scarring in lungs that I had in January has healed and my lungs are now clear. So I feel blessed there.

    Very happy for your recovery Ronald!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  12. #57
    Every now and then I read about someone who had a double lung transplant because of COVID. When you look up the 50% survival rate for lung transplants, it's only about 6 years (50% of the people who had a double lung transplant will be dead in 6 years - one or two may live 20 years).

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen Tashiro View Post
    I had the same experience. In fact, I wondered if the pharmacist actually gave me an injection - speculated on the good conspiracy theory that I am in a experiment where half the participants don't really get a shot.
    A bunch of people at a drugstore in North Carolina (or something like that) got saline instead of vaccine. I had no reaction to either and I figure I must have gotten saline. I guess I will know for sure in a year or two.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    Apparently side effects vary considerably among individuals. My wife and I got both shingles vaccinations some years ago when we were about 65 - no noticeable side effects. Our youngest son got his first a few weeks ago and also had no reaction. Perhaps the difference is related to genetics.

    There are two shingles vaccines. The old one has no reaction, but it also doesn't work. If you haven't had the new one, you should look into it.

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wade Lippman View Post
    There are two shingles vaccines. The old one has no reaction, but it also doesn't work. If you haven't had the new one, you should look into it.
    Thanks. I don’t know the difference but my Dr said he was only giving the new vaccine.

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