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Thread: Hide Your Own Eggs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    NW Ga

    Hide Your Own Eggs

    So here it is Easter again. I use to tell folks it took all the fun out of it if you had to hide your own eggs, but now that I'm getting older it's getting to be more of a challenge. So this year I'm just going to leave them in the fridge and fry em up. At least I'll know where to find breakfast.

    Y'all have a safe Easter, Lamar

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Lamar Keeney View Post
    So here it is Easter again. I use to tell folks it took all the fun out of it if you had to hide your own eggs, but now that I'm getting older it's getting to be more of a challenge. So this year I'm just going to leave them in the fridge and fry em up. At least I'll know where to find breakfast.

    Y'all have a safe Easter, Lamar
    Good idea! We had an indoor "egg" hunt for the grandsons. My wife had a bunch of little round stickers with egg pictures. Easier to hide than eggs.

    Anyone have chickens and too many eggs? In "normal" times we sell eggs but not lately. Since the egg activity picked up with the spring weather it's not unusual for us to have the problem of what to do with them all. Maybe I need more friends. I found out the local county community action commission (which assists people with low incomes) will take eggs so we took 6 dozen on Thursday. But two days later we again have more than we can use. There are only so many breakfasts and cakes and hardboiled eggs and creme brulee servings one can eat.

    With a mix of chickens the eggs are naturally almost colorful enough for Easter.



  3. #3
    They are some beautiful egg there. Kind of a long drive from Southeast PA though or I would swing by!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Citerone View Post
    They are some beautiful egg there. Kind of a long drive from Southeast PA though or I would swing by!
    Too bad you don't live in Southwest PA, it's closer.
    (I grew up south of Pittsburgh.)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Mountain City, TN
    I just find them in the chicken coop. The hens are terrible at hiding eggs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Northern Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    ...Anyone have chickens and too many eggs?...........
    There are 2 of us and 12 hens so we have 3-4 dozen eggs a week more than we can use. We had been giving them away to friends and neighbors but recently we started asking for a donation of $4/dozen which we will donate to the local food bank. I figure they can use money even more than they can use our eggs, and this is a whole lot more convenient for everybody than delivering a few dozen eggs at a time to the food bank. The neighbors have been generous and I was given a $5 bill for each of the last 4 dozen and no one wanted their $1 change.

    As of this morning we have $131 from the last 2-3 months and are getting ready to send the first check.
    Last edited by Alan Rutherford; 04-04-2021 at 9:35 PM.

  7. #7
    This weekend, hid four eggs in two Japanese Fruit pies, and six in two sweet potato dishes. Last week hid six in deviled eggs. Right now, with two new Lidil's in the area, a dozen eggs are less than seventy cents. Milk dropped from $3.19 a gallon to $1.47a gallon because of the Lidils. Don't shop there, but love their effects on prices. We have two places locally where there are an Aldi's, Lidils, and Walmart local super market within a mile of each other. Lets just say, that's the area where I like to shop. Local Food Lion, closest to Lidil's dropped milk to $1.48 on the bottom shelf. Next shelf up is $1.79, and name brand on eye level shelf is $3.99. Same dairy delivers are three brands.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Northern Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Wrenn View Post
    ... a dozen eggs are less than seventy cents.....
    We have fertilized eggs "From gloriously healthy free-range, socially and environmentally responsible chickens. A renewable resource." $4 take it or leave it.

    I wouldn't pay that much myself when I was buying eggs last year but these are special. Also a fair amount of work and some expense that we are not reimbursing ourselves for and more importantly, people are liking the idea of supporting the food bank.

    I wish I could buy milk for those prices.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Rutherford View Post

    I wish I could buy milk for those prices.
    If you didn't live so far from America's Dairyland, you could also be paying such prices. Here in central NC, I only know of one milking dairy. When we moved to our current location 40 years ago, they were at least a dozen dairies with ten miles of our house. Now the pastures are full of houses. A big plus is the amount of milk a cow yield now compared to 40 years ago.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    Anyone have chickens and too many eggs? In "normal" times we sell eggs but not lately. Since the egg activity picked up with the spring weather it's not unusual for us to have the problem of what to do with them all. Maybe I need more friends. I found out the local county community action commission (which assists people with low incomes) will take eggs so we took 6 dozen on Thursday.
    At our old property, we set up a great system with the neighbors and they would leave their egg cartons and food scraps for the chickens in trade for farm fresh eggs. It worked out really great as there were lots of fresh veggie scraps for the chickens. Since we moved, we are surrounded by bad neighbors. We donate the extra eggs to the food bank since it's less then 1 block from our post office. They have several people saving egg cartons so if we ever run low, the food bank will give us any egg cartons we need.
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

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