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Thread: Anybody use "Microsoft Edge" web browser

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee DeRaud View Post
    The Spectrum boxes will let you restrict DHCP to a specific IP range or shut it off completely, but not set the server. I just went full-manual on anything mission-critical, set the primary DNS to Spectrum's default and the secondary to Google's.

    (The only reason I even noticed Spectrum's DNS outage is that Netflix in my Blueray player has been stalling intermittently with a DNS error. it doesn't have a secondary DNS entry so I had left it on DHCP.)
    That can sometimes be an issue with an ISP-provided router/gateway since they "doctor" the firmware in some cases to restrict options.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Becker View Post
    That can sometimes be an issue with an ISP-provided router/gateway since they "doctor" the firmware in some cases to restrict options.
    Yup. Usually not an issue, since I prefer the full-manual approach for the computers and printers anyway, and (normally) don't care what the other miscellaneous devices end up with.

    Under the current circumstances, I may move that BluRay player to the "mission-critical" list.
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
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  3. #33
    When a computer was "upgraded" to Windows 10 it came with the Edge browser there was something about it not working with most sites so I downloaded Firefox & have never looked back, I won't use Chrome, & almost never use Google as a search engine, prefer DuckDuckGo, or Startpage.

  4. #34
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    Rollie, the original Edge was very much like that...terribly dysfunctional. The current version is based on the Chromium engine (same as Google Chrome) and should hopefully be a lot more compatible with the world. Of course, like you, I made my choice long ago and will stick to it as I previously mentioned.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  5. #35
    Ive been using Edge quite a bit lately. I am really liking the new Windows all around but Ive always been an MS fan and I love change. I love an update when everything is new and different and finding new features and so on. Edge has made the transition super seamless importing everything from Chrome so its honestly hard to tell which browser your in once your up and running. I have been a long time google junkie but am getting a bit leery as of late and never thought I'd peel of Chrome but its happening. That said Ive been dumping them both quite a bit and using Brave and DuckDuckGo as well as playing around with all the other options.

    Who knows how wide spread but I think a lot of people out there are getting sick of this corporate BS that we have all be programmed to now believe is just normal.

  6. #36
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    It just popped up on my computer. I'm still using Win7 and don't see any advantages using Edge. I deleted it.
    I’m another outlier. I’ve been a Firefox user for years and haven’t seen anything that makes me want to change.
    Please help support the Creek.

    "The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for."
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  7. #37
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    Another fire fox user here. And DDGO. And most of the time thru a vpn. My only contact with google is my gmail account which I use with thunderbird. Long time mozilla user.
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  8. #38
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    At work we have to use either Edge or IE. Edge was a pain so I use IE. For my personal use I like FF but it acted up on my home PC so I use Chrome. I should try Fire Fox at home again.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Stahl View Post
    At work we have to use either Edge or IE. Edge was a pain so I use IE. For my personal use I like FF but it acted up on my home PC so I use Chrome. I should try Fire Fox at home again.
    Give the new Edge, (just released) a try. It uses the Chromium engine & is very similar to Chrome. Much better than the old Edge. I use Chrome & have no reason to change, but if I did I'd switch to edge without hesitation.

  10. #40
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    My son-in-laws neices significant other is an 'ethical hacker' for a Fortune 100 company. He directs a group that invents new ways to break into the corporate networks. They try to get around the hardware, software and people (social hacking). When they get in, they work with the IT security folks to seal the breach. Sometimes it's a hardware problem. Sometimes they just fool someone into giving up a password. For the people problems, they try not to embarrass the victim too much but they look carefully at their training.

    My point here is that he is a computer security expert. His preference these days is a browser called Brave.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Feeley View Post
    My son-in-laws neices significant other is an 'ethical hacker' for a Fortune 100 company. He directs a group that invents new ways to break into the corporate networks. They try to get around the hardware, software and people (social hacking). When they get in, they work with the IT security folks to seal the breach. Sometimes it's a hardware problem. Sometimes they just fool someone into giving up a password. For the people problems, they try not to embarrass the victim too much but they look carefully at their training.

    My point here is that he is a computer security expert. His preference these days is a browser called Brave.
    I have brave on all my machines and use it quite a bit. Its perfectly acceptable and gives you the comfort of no tracking, no ad's popping up because of some google string.. Its all a give an take and its all about being smart and vigiant. As you said, most breaches happen because of arbitrary clicking and people no paying attention. My SO did this very thing.. you get people with miles of ad's spam, and so on, that are also online buyers, and eventually someone catches them off guard. No browser will save you from that.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    My laptop just updated and installed Edge. I use it at work and this newer version is much more friendlier. Going to try it for a while.

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