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Thread: Whats the worst injury you've had woodworking?

  1. #1

    Whats the worst injury you've had woodworking?

    Just curious about everyone else mishaps! Luckly for me I haven't had any bad ones!
    "The key to a long life is when you start to die, don't"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Edmond, Oklahoma
    Woodworking: the worst was a mild cut on a finger in two different cases, both from just sharpened plane irons.

    Carpentry: a cut on the leg from a utility knife. They put those butterfly clamps on the cut. It was quite a bit worse than the finger cuts, but it did not stop me from the carpentry work once I got back from the emergency room.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    The old pueblo in el norte.
    I stepped on a board on a job site when young, and had a nail go through my boot and foot. That's the worst carpentry related injury. Woodworking it's just been minor cuts, although I've been in a shop when someone wound up with a 1/8" narrower finger tip. I started paying more attention then.

  4. #4
    Ouch! I just had a family friend shoot a 3 1/2 inch nail through a bone in his foot and out the other side stuck. It had to be surgically removed.
    "The key to a long life is when you start to die, don't"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Left Index Finger is 1/8" shorter than it should be....and, a saw blade is how thick?

    Other than that...just the usual nicks and cuts...

  6. #6
    Fifteen years ago I caught my middle, ring, and pinky fingers of my left hand in a 1 1/2hp Delta stationary belt sander where the belt goes into the dust hood. Broke the last digit of my middle finger and ground its nail completely off; ground halfway though the nails of ring and pinky fingers. Ring and pinky fully recovered; the nail on my middle finger eventually grew back although it isn't completely right at the cuticle between the nail and skin.

    The cause of the accident? Pure stupidity and impatience on my part. Before that and since (and hopefully ever after) just minor cuts and scrapes. For whatever reason, my left hand (I'm right handed) takes the brunt of my injuries. Probably because it is holding the work, and the other hand is holding whatever has a blade or cutting edge.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    1.5 hrs north of San Francisco, CA
    Sliced the heel of my hand from moving it across a STATIONARY carbide saw blade, and a bruised gut from trimming a panelled cabinet door that lifted (how?), was caught by the blade, and "Frisbeed" 30 feet into the wall behind me; hitting me a glancing blow along the way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Calgary AB
    hammered a chisel into a space beside my right shin bone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Table saw kickback. The wood punched a pretty good hole in my hand. It healed up just fine. It was a great learning experience.
    Sharp solves all manner of problems.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    40 years ago I drilled through my left index finger tip with an 1/8" drill bit in a hand-held electric drill. In a huge lapse of judgement I was hand-holding two small pieces of wood and intending to just mark the location on the lower piece. The drill bit caught in the wood and surged forward. It hurt a lot. I soaked it with iodine, bandaged it up, and it healed up OK.

    An "almost" injury was when setting down a circular saw while the blade was spinning and the guard was wired back for repetitive cuts to notch a deck post. The blade cut through the denim of my jeans. Just the denim.

    I learned from those experiences. But best thing I've learned about safety over the years is to learn from the mistakes of others rather than my own. This is a good thread for that!

    Another valuable education is from books. When I got my first chainsaw I read the book, "The Good Woodcutter's Guide" by Dave Johnson. Dave provides very good info about chainsaws and felling trees. He describes all the things he knows that can hurt or kill you. If can't possibly protect against something you can't imagine. And when I got my first tractor I researched all the ways I could find to die related to a tractor. I found some surprisingly obscure and gruesome ways.

    Last edited by John K Jordan; 03-02-2020 at 8:29 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    I know of a fellow that fell off the back of a tractor he was driving.....bad part, he was using a Brushog to cut down a bunch of tall weeds and scrub was a "Closed Casket" Funeral.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Aiden Pettengill View Post
    Just curious about everyone else mishaps! Luckly for me I haven't had any bad ones!
    A chisel fell off the workbench and landed on my foot. My golden rule is, always know where the cutting edge (or other flying entity) is going to go, and stay out of the way of it. But I'd forgotten about gravity.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Dickinson, Texas
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    I cut my thumb on my table saw one time. I was by myself and had to wrap it in a towel and drive myself to the emergency room.
    I now use a push stick and never get close to the blade. Safety glasses and ear protection are good too.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    New Hampshire
    Sliced into my finger with a utility knife while cutting zip ties off a bundle of cables -- took a couple of stitches to close the cut. Now I use "dikes" (diagonal cutting pliers) for cutting zip ties.

    Got my hand caught in between two heavy logs while trying to move one of them -- no medical attention, but one finger was very sore for a long long time after that (I suspect a bone bruise). Now I try to remember to keep my hands out of places like that...

    Lots of other smaller cuts, scrapes, and bruises, too (of course).

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Suffolk, Va.
    Drilled into my finger not too bad - a few minor cuts - shot a 16 ga finish nail thru the meat of my finger. That's about all.
    Michael Dilday
    Suffolk, Va.

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