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Thread: Info: My prototype grinder set-up

  1. #1

    Info: My prototype grinder set-up

    I've posted a couple times lately with questions, so I thought it time to share where I've gotten to on installing the Tormek BGM100 (LINK) on my Rikon slow speed grinder. This rig is intended for Turners, but when I saw Derek Cohen was using it for flat tools too, I was encouraged to try the same. I want to stress that while this is a workable prototype so far, I plan to work with it a while before I finalize the design (and pretty it up).

    1. I preferred to leave the guard on the wheel based on answers I got to questions here. But in the stock position, the guard interfered with the SE77 Square Edge Jig (LINK)

    2. So I drilled 3 new holes in the guard to let me rotate it about 60* and devised a crude mount ro let me work from the top, sort of like a "real" Tormek without the water. The mount shown is crude right now - I'll pretty it up after I've used it long enough to be sure I haven't missed something. But Ixm hopeful because I have ground various lengths of chisels and plane irons, ranging from 15* to 35* and so far it has handled all cases. (You cant see it in the pics, but under the knobs I have slotted the wood so I have another degree of freedom to adjust the guide.)

    3. The Tormek Anglemaster (LINK) was giving me fits, as you saw from last night's post. That thing just isn't very accurate at low bevel angles. For future reference, here's the corrections I have to use with my 200mm CBN wheel:
    * To get a 15* bevel, set the WM200 to 11*
    * To get a 20 bevel, set the WM200 to 16*
    * To get a 25* bevel, set the WM200 to 25*
    * To get a 30* bevel, set the WM200 to 30*
    * To get a 35* bevel, set the WM200 to 35*

    Here are a couple pics to give you ideas.
    Quarter view grinder.jpg
    Side view grinder.jpg

    Comments, improvements and criticisms welcome - this is a work in progress.
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    Doesn't it vary with the thickness of the tool anyway-not the same for chisels, and plane irons? Or do you set it off the back of the tool?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom M King View Post
    Doesn't it vary with the thickness of the tool anyway-not the same for chisels, and plane irons? Or do you set it off the back of the tool?
    Tom, I THINK the way the Anglemaster works is independent of the thickness. But I should test that to be sure. Thanks for catching that.
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Helensburgh, Australia
    I hollow grind and use the same jig in the horizontal and the same angle set up. To be honest the angle is what it is because then I freehand hone a small bevel at a slightly higher angle and I haven't a clue what that is either but the result cuts fingers equally as well as it cuts hardwood.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  5. #5
    Ironic! I'm working on mine right now too. I had an extra Tormek setup from when I upgraded the Tormek to the newer style, so I thought I'd try and use it. I don't have any pics, but I kept it horizontal just cause. I can see some benefits to the vertical mount. I think it will work with the guard in the default position best I can tell. I was torn about being able to use it on both wheels. I may save up and buy a Veritas for the other side if I decide it is needed. May not need it since I can do pretty much anything with the Tormek stuff. I had started on this with an old 6" grinder. SO, I had to add some blocks to the support to add some height for the 8" wheel. Anxious to try it out. Hope to get it done this weekend.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth, Australia
    Hi Fred

    With your vertical mount I think that you lose the range of adjustments that come with a horizontal mount, as in my set up. The latter allows one to move the tool rest towards and away from the wheel. The vertical mount may appear to do the same, but does so from further out.

    Regards from Perth


  7. #7
    Hi Derek,
    So far, I have found that I can adjust the vertical mount to sharpen all my flat tools at the range of angles I use. I agree that this mount has less range of motion than yours. I know that because I tried yours first and liked it. So I have a baseline I can go back to it if this idea proves unsatisfactory. But I was spewing dust all over the place and the leaving the guard on reduces that a lot (in addition to providing a guard). I find I can easily clean the dust from the guard.

    I don't mean to sound like a fanboy and I hope you won't mind me saying this. But I kept thinking of you as I tried out different ideas over a week; e.g., "Derek would not just settle for this if he wasn't satisfied - he'd keep at it to get it the way he liked it." So thanks for all your help, advice and blog.

    All the best,
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth, Australia
    Fred, that makes more sense now. We shall want another review, especially of the dust control, in a month or so.

    Regards from Perth


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