I'll make a few comments and then watch the rest of my ballgame. First, Scott, I think you were over the top with your fist post and then it's spiraled downhill. As a moderator, I'd have thought better. Nothing here says only professiols need post. Even if you have overlooked it, there are a lot of us Chinese laser owners here.

I've not made a living with my two, but I'm trying. And I'd have NEVER dropped the 40 or 50 k on US lasers. I've still got about 12k invested and that would have bought me a mini by epilog.... Whoopee. I've got zero borrowed and that is the point. Yep, I'll never get rich, but I won't lose my shirt either. And I see a LOT of folks elsewhere trying to unload their laser after they can't make the $500 or more lease payment. .

I peruse and post on occasion on the epilog fb group. There is not a day that goes by that a person or two are inquiring as to how they can fix their machine. Not a design issue, a machine issue. Have you cleaned the encoder strip after machine screwed up 3 cups.... US Machines aren't perfect, yep, they do engraving the Chinese machines can't do.... And I'd like to have one for those reasons. But my galvo beats the socks off their old fiber, and no difference in their new machine except it has more power..... (and it probably has a Chinese source in it.)

And Matt, really, calling for someone to leave.? I thought a bit better of you too....

Well, I guess I have stepped on some delicate toes too.

There are a lot of good people that have posted here, and I have you guys to thank for giving me enough information to help me make a decision about buying and using my lasers..... But I guess I know where at least two of you stand.
Oh well.