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Thread: Who has a spouse that does wood working and/or home improvement stuff with them?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Spring Hill FL.
    Blog Entries
    My wife and I started dating 13 years ago and have been married for five. She has always been the one to encourage me to stop analyzing and go for it when I am apprehensive. She listens to me ramble about whatever project I am planning and will interject with helpful input on occasion. The running joke is that she can rebuild a carburetor despite never turning screw one...
    All that said, she is not interested in woodworking. But when it comes to home renovations she is proficient at painting, laying tile, basic plumbing, helping move heavy things, and swinging big hammers, she leaves the electrical to me though she understands it. I consider myself a lucky Man. We make a good team.
    Andrew Gibson
    Program Manger and Resident Instructor
    Florida School Of Woodwork

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Darcy Warner View Post
    She will be my wife in 13 days, but she helps me with whatever I need. Moving machinery, painting, tailing lumber, hauling stuff, cleaning, organizing etc.

    I spent 12 years with someone that showed no interest in anything I did and wouldn't lift a finger to help me out.
    That means she is your UPGRADE WIFE. My wife of 39 years HATES that term, but that's what she definitely is!

  3. #18
    Couldn't be more shocked by how many reasonable women there appear to be out there according to this thread. I would have guessed there weren't this many in the entirety of the world.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Diann does stained glass and wood turning (she even lets me use her lathe).

    Diann also helps move machinery, carry heavy pieces of wood, and generally encourages me to spend money on the shop and do things.

    I guess she does more "artistic" stuff than me with the turning and glass work, my work tends to be functional such as furniture. Even my wood turning is functional, furniture parts, tool handles etc.

    Anyway, without her support, help and encouragement ( how many wives tell you to spend more on a machine to get the tilting spindle in the shaper?), I wouldn't have half the shop or half the projects completed...........Rod.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Central North Carolina
    My son married a licensed building contractor. She's partners with her dad, building spec houses. She is very "at home" in a woodworking shop and doesn't hesitate to join him in projects. My wife just keeps thinking up changes that she wants ME to make around the house and some of her ideas are quite extensive. She never participates, except to sometimes hold the other end of something. My son is very lucky.


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    New Jersey

    Does this qualify?

    She will say: we need to paint the bedroom. She picks out the color and I paint the room.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    My wife will help me we sided our house and also my sons she did about half the cutting. We put a chain link fence up for us and my daughter and we are going to help my daughter put her lawn in.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Concord, NC
    My wife works with me on every home improvement project we do. She's not a fan of using the large power tools but she gets in there and tries everything. We work surprisingly well together.

  9. #24
    Nope, not mine. She has her interests, I have mine, sometimes they intersect, sometimes not. This is one area where they do not. She's very supportive of what I do, but she has no interest in doing it herself.

  10. #25
    My wife has guaranteed my entry into heaven -assuming, of course, that she doesn't change her mind about the guestroom again... because even Job would break the fourth (4th!@!) time

  11. #26
    Neither my late wife nor my current wife help a lot on projects. My second wife is better at most home improvement things and has great taste for the planning stage. But I guess I enjoy doing things myself. I can't work and talk about it at the same time and she can't help without the talking. Any urgency in my voice causes an adverse reaction. Just easier to do it myself. Today I got my adult son to help put in a new exterior door. My wife and I did the last one and it was a lot easier with him. Less talking required and he's a lot stronger.

  12. #27
    My wife apprenticed with a woodworker for 5 years prior to my meeting her. We started a business based on her skills & I "apprenticed" under her.

  13. #28
    That sounds like my worst nightmare.

  14. I woodwork full time, my wife woodworks part time. She handles clients and the kids when she is not in the shop with me. She's always learning and wants to learn more. She has a great eye for finishing much better than me. I wish I could get her turning on the lathe but she's just too timid around it..

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North Alabama
    My wife leaves my woodworking hobby to me, but she'll lend a hand if I need it. She's in the trenches with me on most any home improvement project.
    Chuck Taylor

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