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Thread: Reminder - This is a "hand tool" forum

  1. #46
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    else this thread would have been squelched by now.
    My feeling is the moderators do not 'squelch' a thread for foolishness, stupidity or idiotic postings.

    Mostly threads get locked when an argument gets out of hand or if someone makes what might be an ill-advised statement aimed at a manufacturer or another member.

    Goofy is okay, libel, slander and anger are not.

    Just my two cents.jpg.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Green View Post
    ... I normally don't post because once I've used the search function, there are half a dozen on-point threads with the answer I was seeking.
    In the world of technology, a person who actually uses the search function has taken the second step toward sainthood. The first is using the 'help' menu before calling 'techsport' or tech support for the uninitiated.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  3. #48
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    David Weaver said "I think I'm more direct than most...". Really?
    In this world of PC to the extreme, it's a breath of fresh air to hear or read a clearly-worded statement. Keep it up!

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malcolm Schweizer View Post
    Ah yes, I saw that post, but didn't pay attention to who said what. It all makes sense now.

    Well, honestly, I have wanted for a while to make a post in the off-topic section asking if I'm the only one who sometimes feels "overmoderated," but I didn't want to come across as just trying to start something. It's hard to ask such a question without sounding like you have some big issue, but really I wonder sometimes if I'm the only one who gets tired of tiptoeing around this forum. I had a few posts deleted or edited for very silly reasons- never because anyone was offended, but because someone MIGHT be offended. For example, when I called the law firm of ADMIN EDIT ONCE AGAIN the lowest scum on the planet" for advertising on Facebook looking for people who had been injured by table saws, my entire thread was deleted because (copy/paste from PM):I just want to come here and talk tools. I live in a remote area where it's hard to find people interested in woodworking. I don't come here to tiptoe around. I find it quite humorous that people get all worked up over some comment made on a woodworking forum.

    Thats twice your illegal comments have been removed and you have been saved from a legal challenge.
    There ya go. Well, hey- good thing you caught that, Orr I might be labeled as a bad pearson.

  5. #50
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    You are in fact fortunate that your comments have been removed. They would surely land you in court based on my experience over the last eleven years. You cannot make defamatory statements without proof and you cannot make unreasonable and unfounded statements here.

  6. #51
    Malcolm, can you give me some more examples of feeling over-moderated? It's not my intention to use heavy hands in my woodworking or this forum.

    I will suggest also that many of the cries foul are from other members and not the moderators.

    Last at times I suspect there's a negative correlation between some members' ability to give and receive criticism.

  7. #52
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    Prashun I greatly appreciate you asking. I would rather keep looking forward and let's not dwell in the past. I don't want to be "that guy."

    I actually hosted a wood surfboard forum until it got irrevocably hacked, to my dismay. I know all too well the challenges of moderating and hosting a forum.

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prashun Patel View Post
    Malcolm, can you give me some more examples of feeling over-moderated? It's not my intention to use heavy hands in my woodworking or this forum.

    I will suggest also that many of the cries foul are from other members and not the moderators.

    Last at times I suspect there's a negative correlation between some members' ability to give and receive criticism.
    I got dinged by Ken F once - maybe twice - in my formative years. I PM'd him to get a clearer understanding of where the guardrails are, so I could stay between them. Ken F is very helpful, and polite. Since then, on a couple occasions, I have gone to him for a pre-emptive ruling before I post. I am not, by nature, a provocative guy, but sometimes stupid stuff yanks my chain.

    I have seen no evidence of unwarranted or heavy-handed actions by the Mod Squad. Quite the opposite - more than once, I have watched a thread unfold, wondering when the Lock was going to show up - but nope, they let it ride.

    If you want to engage in no-holds-barred discussions, there is definitely a home for you. If you don't know which forum I am talking about, PM me, and I will set you free.

    But, that is not the environment in which I choose to play. Every one of the Moderators deserves our respect and cooperation.
    I feel a whole lot more like I do now, than I did a little while ago.

    My plan is to live forever. So far, so good.

  9. #54
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    "Orr I might be labeled as a bad pearson."

    Hey-how'd I get mixed up in this mess?

    I play by the rules but I have nothing against electricity.
    Last edited by Don Orr; 11-20-2014 at 12:49 PM.
    Happy and Safe Turning, Don

    Woodturners make the world go ROUND!

  10. #55
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    What this world definitely needs is more things we're not allowed to talk about.

    We get away with talking about WAY too many things! Think of the children!

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Anderson NH View Post
    Sharpening by whatever method is still considered a hand tools skill even if not always done sans electricity. While suggestions on using a power tool to complete part of a primarily hand tool project are not absolutely banned, we would like folks to use some discretion and keep it to a minimum. I tend to give folks as much leeway as possible but ask that you don't push it.

    Your mostly friendly moderator.

    You and all of the other moderators on Neanderthal Haven have the lightest touch and give the most leeway of any moderators on any other forum (woodworking or otherwise) that I've been on (and some of them are pretty rough and tumble).
    I, for one – and I think this reflects the general consensus here – truly appreciate that we're free to say what we want to say concerning the subject at hand, as long as it doesn't devolve into libel, personal insults, profanity, etc. – things generally not tolerated anywhere in even marginally civil society.
    So, my heartfelt thanks to all of the moderators (a thankless job, at best) for their light touch and also for stepping in when it is truly necessary.

    "Uke is always right."
    (Attributed to Ueshiba Morihei)

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Barry View Post
    Notice to all - Please ensure that all threads and postings in this forum remain true to the purpose of this forum, ie: no power tool discussion whatsoever will be tolerated.


    Thank you
    And...if we want to get REALLY technical, there should also be no discussions/mentions of projects, finishing, finishing materials, fasteners, wood, foot/leg-powered tools (treadle/pole lathes and the like), SWMBO, families, vehicles, classes, schools, magazines/books/videos, manufacturers, conferences, editors, sandpaper, etc. Remember! This is a HAND tool forum!

    "Uke is always right."
    (Attributed to Ueshiba Morihei)

  13. #58
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    Wait a minute...just how Neanderthal can we be here anyway? I mean...think about it...we are all using computers...on the internet!

    I feel so dirty...
    I am never wrong.

    Well...I thought I was wrong once...but I was mistaken.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Weaver View Post
    Secretly (or not so much), I think that if I'm direct and other people are direct and plain about it, more people will take some chances. More chances will mean more interesting discussions and more interesting work.

    I did think, too, that steve and I would get some people to build planes (steve was an innocent bystander, and not in on my sinister plan). I also thought I would get some people to build infill planes by hand several years ago but very few people do it without machine tools, I guess.
    Oh, after seeing how fairly easy it can be to make a plow plane and such things, the bug to make my own planes is trying to get itself embedded.

    Thus far I've resisted, though. Thus far.
    The Barefoot Woodworker.

    Fueled by leather, chrome, and thunder.

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