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Thread: Bad dog, bad dog.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Upland CA

    Bad dog, bad dog.

    google 'dog ate my Aston Martin'

    Good Grief, Charlie brown.

    Rick Potter

  2. #2
    If you're going to get a border collie, you'd better be able to keep it busy. Same with a Jack Russell.

    I've got a buddy who claims to not like "busy" dogs, and those are the last two types he's had.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Falls Church, VA
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    Dogs are like 2nd graders. If you don't have a plan for them, they will have a plan for you.

  4. #4
    Another great reason why we don't have mutts or cats; besides being allergic (peer misery) to both.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    There's dog people and there's the rest of the world !

    Our Husky mix was an unholy terror. He tore the siding off the house, chewed out the frame of a sliding door & the whole thing fell out and landed in the back porch, chewed up a half dozen door knobs, chewed the door leading from the garage to the family room's frame enough that the door fell into the house, chewed up the drywall in the garage so bad and so often we had to replace it with metal panels......

    And - the real kicker...

    Because of all this chewing he destroyed most of the teeth in his mouth.

    Damage aside - our vet bills alone for the dental work was more than that guy's $4800.00 repair bill for his fender.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Coastal Massachusetts
    Border collies and Jack Russell terriers should come with a disclaimer and warning label.

    I'm not sure giving the dog away would have been my first response.
    At $4800, the damage is nearly ten times the value of my first car.

  7. #7
    This thread brings to mind the best bit of advice I've heard in my life.

    "Never fall in love with something that can't love you back."

  8. #8
    That car cost more than my house. Of course, if I could afford a car like that, I wouldnt live in my/this house.

    Amazing restraint on the owners part. Simply amazing.

    BTW, cars do love you back Phil. You and I just dont own the right ones. Im told that comes as standard equipment when you spend 200-large.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Coastal Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by Frederick Skelly View Post
    BTW, cars do love you back Phil. You and I just dont own the right ones. Im told that comes as standard equipment when you spend 200-large.
    Those optional attachments are custom-fit, and special order.
    You'll never hear about those.

    Why do you think there's so much leather in a "muscle" car, anyway?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Coastal Massachusetts
    "Choose a dog with a complementary temperament to yours."

    "Working dogs need work."

    "Dogs are pack animals, leave them alone at your peril and their sorrow."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Wake Forest, North Carolina
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    It's been my experience (with family dogs) that it isn't good for a dog to spend a lot of time alone. Especially a young dog.

    I think they much prefer to have someone to hang around with.


  12. #12
    I don't have a dog, it'd never go with my wife (who is on the OCD side of the OCD cleaner's club), but if I did and I had that car, too, I'd ditch the car and keep the dog instead. Figure as much as that car will depreciate (and probably already has), it's a better investment to keep the dog. Just don't leave it with cars. Maybe choose a cheaper car with metal panels.

    Friend who had the border collie (the one who claimed to like calm dogs) used to get it rawhide bones. No matter how big the bones, the dog made short work of them. So they got those plastic/fiber bones that are "unbreakable", only to find that the dog could eventually chew through those, too, only to end up with a broken unbreakable bone and bloody gums.

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