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Thread: very poor customer service from jessEm but great from dowelmax

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Thien View Post
    People way underestimate what it takes for a small business to handle all the requests they get via phone and E-Mail.

    The special requests ("you don't normally do this, but can you do it for me?") can eat a ton of time and are often (as they should be) assigned a pretty low priority.

    I don't think it is fair to indict a company for not being able to address special requests in what a prospective client perceives as a timely manner.
    It doesn’t take a month to tell a prospective customer if you can ship them something overseas. UPS and FedEx CSRs are available 24/7. A simple “We can’t do that.” or “We’re not interested in your business.” would have been better than ignoring him.

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Hagan View Post
    It doesn’t take a month to tell a prospective customer if you can ship them something overseas. UPS and FedEx CSRs are available 24/7. A simple “We can’t do that.” or “We’re not interested in your business.” would have been better than ignoring him.
    It sounds like he E-Mailed, and they responded. He then followed-up with his address. How do you know they received that response?

    My public E-Mail address receives literally (not figuratively, but literally) THOUSANDS of pieces of spam a day. On a weekly basis, I receive 2-4 inquiries from clients that cannot send E-Mail to an address because the sending mail server has been blacklisted at one of the 50+ blacklisting services out there.

    There is a very real chance they never got his shipping address, and had already deleted his original E-Mail. For all we know, there is someone at Jessem thinking "that guy in Ireland must have lost interest."

    So how do you know they are ignoring him?

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Thien View Post
    There is a very real chance they never got his shipping address, and had already deleted his original E-Mail. For all we know, there is someone at Jessem thinking "that guy in Ireland must have lost interest."

    So how do you know they are ignoring him?
    Thank you for saying that ,when I first read this thread it bothered me that Jessem a Canadian Company (as far as I know) would treat a fellow woodworker/member this way,so much so that I did what I have never done,I emailed Jessem and asked if they are aware that some one is sleeping at the switch and ignoring requests and inquiries,they emailed me within half an hour ,this is cut and paste of some of the reply:
    Hi Ken

    Thank you, we are aware of the post and we searched high and low for any correspondence both via email and verbal and cannot find anything pertaining to this person. As far as we can tell the person by that name did not contact us. We strive to give the best possible service at Jessem not to say mistakes don't happen as they do on occasion but in this instance I don't believe it happened

    Thank you for letting me know.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Between No Where & No Place ,WA
    Phil Thien: +1 om your posts.

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ken masoumi View Post
    Thank you for saying that ,when I first read this thread it bothered me that Jessem a Canadian Company (as far as I know) would treat a fellow woodworker/member this way,so much so that I did what I have never done,I emailed Jessem and asked if they are aware that some one is sleeping at the switch and ignoring requests and inquiries,they emailed me within half an hour ,this is cut and paste of some of the reply:
    Hi Ken

    Thank you, we are aware of the post and we searched high and low for any correspondence both via email and verbal and cannot find anything pertaining to this person. As far as we can tell the person by that name did not contact us. We strive to give the best possible service at Jessem not to say mistakes don't happen as they do on occasion but in this instance I don't believe it happened

    Thank you for letting me know.
    Sounds like a miscue on emails, can happen to anyone. How they followed up, and how quickly they followed up speaks volumes about their customer service. I have not dealt directly with Jessem, but I would not hesitate if I had to.
    A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. My desk is a work station.

  6. #21
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    I always enjoy JessEm threads. Such diversity of opinion and experience .
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    West Lafayette, IN
    Thanks for posting that Ken - glad to hear the manufacturer's get a chance to defend themselves here.

    Am I the only one who has worked with multiple companies/subcontractors/clients/suppliers/customers/any-living-breathing-human with whom I had to follow up on an issue, or from whom I didn't receive a timely response via email? I do not expect there to be someone sitting there at the other end just waiting at my beck and call, because everyone is working hard and has many other responsibilities to attend to. And when I let an email slip through the cracks or forgot to call someone back, it's nice when the sender gets in touch with me to remind me. For the companies that somehow live up to some of your expectations and qualify themselves to receive your business - Kudos to them, but you're also missing out on some other great products and companies by blowing them off so quickly.

  8. #23
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    River Falls WI
    I recently ordered the new doweling jig from Jessem and ordered some loose tenons for use with my Jessem zip slot. About a day later I receive a call asking me if I meant to order dowels instead for the doweling jig. They wanted to make sure I had the right item. To me this is great customer service, confirming the order instead of having to ship the incorrect item back.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by ken masoumi View Post
    Thank you for saying that ,when I first read this thread it bothered me that Jessem a Canadian Company (as far as I know) would treat a fellow woodworker/member this way,so much so that I did what I have never done,I emailed Jessem and asked if they are aware that some one is sleeping at the switch and ignoring requests and inquiries,they emailed me within half an hour ,this is cut and paste of some of the reply:
    Hi Ken

    Thank you, we are aware of the post and we searched high and low for any correspondence both via email and verbal and cannot find anything pertaining to this person. As far as we can tell the person by that name did not contact us. We strive to give the best possible service at Jessem not to say mistakes don't happen as they do on occasion but in this instance I don't believe it happened

    Thank you for letting me know.
    Just to clarify, the email was not sent from my address!!!! You seem to be missing the point - why dont Jessem respond to the original emailer??? They only decided to react to Kens correspondance when they realised that it was public on this forum!!!!

    I do not defame any company, why would I??? This is just poor customer service - I can only guess that Jessem have treated more than one customer like this?

    I hope I am getting my point across clearly? I am just a DIY weekend woodworker from Ireland, who wanted to buy a jig to make dowelling easier. I researched using this forum, (which is an extremely helpful resource by the way - with people who use their own time to help me, at absolutely no charge!), and decided to get the Jessem.

    I decided to email Jessem (calling is quite expensive from my location!) about buying a jig and this was not sent from eoin ryans email address but sent by my mate as I had forgotten the password of my account!!! (but it is completely besides the point - it doesn't matter if Barack Obama sent an email - a customer is a customer no matter what the name!).

    I then spent the extra and ordered the Dowelmax, end of story.

    I think Jessem should respond to that email!!!!! If they can't, then I think I am not the only one to have this experience!

    Thanks guys,
    Last edited by Chris Padilla; 02-28-2013 at 2:51 PM.

  10. #25
    see my latest reply guys, glad you had a good experience - I didn't. May be they will learn from this and improve their service for the good of everybody. Personally, I have noting to lose or gain from posting on this, but hopefully will help prevent this happening to others in the future - for potential or exising customers of JessEm.

  11. #26
    Jessem not responding to an E-Mail they may or may not have received (that was sent from your friend's account because you couldn't even remember your own password) just isn't enough to drag a good company's name through the mud like this.

    To now claim that Jessem is only responding because the matter became public is completely unfair.

    Jessem may have been lucky not to do business with you, I can only imagine your reaction if you had received a unit with shipping damage, or otherwise experienced a problem.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eoin Ryans View Post
    I decided to email Jessem (calling is quite expensive from my location!) about buying a jig and this was not sent from eoin ryans email address but sent by my mate as I had forgotten the password of my account!!! ...I think Jessem should respond to that email!!!!! If they can't, then I think I am not the only one to have this experience!

    Thanks guys,
    How are they supposed to know who to reply to at this point if you didn't use your own e-mail? Do you expect them to guess your friend's name?

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Email is not infallible. I work in IT and I get complaints from users fairly frequently that someone emailed them and the email never showed up. Sometimes emails get caught in spam filters. About 90% of the email my employer gets is discarded as spam.

    On the other hand, a lot of companies treat email as an afterthought. You'll get great service via phone, but sending an email you might gets a reply days later. I tend to call most companies unless I have dealt with them in the past via email.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eoin Ryans View Post
    Just to clarify, the email was not sent from my address!!!! You seem to be missing the point - why dont Jessem respond to the original emailer??? . . . .

    Thanks guys,
    I think you're the one missing the point. There is a very real possibility that Jessem never received your e-mail, as has been pointed out by many. If you use e-mail very often, you know this happens. On top of that, you're using multiple e-mail addresses to try to get a single transaction done. I agree that we should be able to comment on company customer service standards, but as customers we should be held to some standards as well.

  15. #30
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    San Antonio Texas
    Any company can get something crossed up and drop the ball on a particular transaction because we're all human and make some mistakes. when it happens to me I try to work with the company and politely let them know where and how they dropped the ball so that they can look into the issue and correct it so other customers don't have the same issue.

    When I do have to call or write to tell a company to tell them that I'm trying to help them solve the issue for me and potentially other customers, they appreciate that i'm not attacking them and that I want to work with them to get the transaction right to create a satisfied customer. Most companies can get a transaction right, but outstanding businesses are ones that can screw up a transaction but then work fast and hard to correct it in a way that makes the customer know it was a mistake, they apologize, and they value your business. Sometimes you even get some type of comp in the form of a future discount or expedited shipping on the order, etc.

    There are not many private sector businesses operating in competitive markets that purposefully try to avoid making money by selling product to customers. That business model just doesn't work in the long term. I don't judge a company by a single interaction, but if the company develops a pattern of dropping the ball and making mistakes even after I call to work with them to resolve the issue, then I take my business elsewhere.

    I respectfully submit that your unsatisfactory Jessem incident falls into the honest mistake, rare occurrence category and Jessem in no way, that I have seen or heard about, has a pattern of such mistakes and poor customer service.

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