I bought a new set of chisels from Harbor Freight yesterday . Paid $11.98 for the set. I like these chisels. The seem to hold a cutting edge fairly well. Will they hold an edge as well as a premium chisel? NO, but I got a 1 1/2 inch chisel in the set and a Lie Nielsen 1 1/2 inch chisel sells for $150. For $138 dollars difference when I need a 1 1/2 chisel I will get by. Did I mention the other 5 included chisels.

They are great for other uses like, rough work, opening paint cans, and take the place of a card scraper for certain applications. I use them for any time a chisel would be a great tool to use but when I don't want to use my Two Cherries chisels.

At $11.98 and that is without a coupon they are an outstanding buy.

I also bought 4 6 inch F style clamps they had on sale for 3 dollars and some small change, each. (that is all they had on the display wall). When ever I go into a big box store I like to buy at least one clamp. It is amassing when you realize you have a lot of clamps with out breaking the bank. The cost is the same but it is spread out over time. Menards has some nice 12inch F style clamps for about $12 but I have enough of them for now. Anyway I have 4 clamps that can stay in the bottom of a draw and I may need them for one time a year from now but I have them. If you are doing a bent lamination sometime you will need a lot of clamps and they will do just fine.

Good buys and I just thought I would pass it along to some who would never thought about buying lesser quality than the best.

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