When I go to the shop...to work on a Project...I try to have a set of tasks that need to be done. I lay out each task, and complete that task before the next one....while I am rarely rushing around, I am also not just standing around, wasting time. I am there, in the shop to get a task done. Then move on to the next task on the "To Do" list....

I am not concerned about what tool should I use....I merely use the best tool in MY shop for that task. hand tool..power tool...doesn't really matter. Whether it is the "correct" tool in someone else's shop, is not my problem to worry about.

The one the things I hear about those projects I do.....is how "Fast" I seem to get them done.....I am not THAT fast...however, I do not dwaddle along....I am in the shop to get the tasks for that day..done.