Don't need no cursive, no long math, no printing ( we have printers for that ), No spelling class because we have spell check for that, Don't need Social Studies because there is less and less need to know any of that stuff, Geography?? Don't need it! Civics REALLY dont need that! History? Nope stupid. I taught Culinary Arts for 8 years to students from 18-60 years old. The number of young students that were incapable of performing 3rd grade math was amazing. Fractions? forget it Ratios??? Nope! Increasing or decreasing the yield of a recipe??? Ha! Teaspoons, Tablespoons, cups, quarts, gallons...may as well be speaking Greek or Latin and we dont need to be teaching that crap either. Bottom line I guess is that I dont know what they are teaching if they can't add, subtract, multiply or divide or even read aloud ( one more thing we dont need to pass on in schools ). Whether we use it or not as a society/empire/civilizations go thats how languages are forgotten and civilizations go away. While cursive isn't used much there are skills and habits formed from practicing it. Also as one poster noted he hated getting handwritten letters from his Grandmother my experience was just the opposite. I cherish those letters to this day. We dont write letters to our children today, just send them a text. I think its sad actually.