This is all that has been found in the last month of hunting:

Rust Hunt Saw, Chisel, Bit & Drawknife.jpg

The draw knife was found about a month ago on a trip to the coast. It has a P.S.&W. mark with a 9" blade.

The saw was found in St. Helens, OR while going toward Portland last week. The medallion is marked with Warranted Superior. The etch on the blade appears to be Lakeside. A nice toolbox saw with good teeth, $10 didn't seem like too bad a price.

The bit and chisel were found today on my way home on a trip into town. The bit is an 18" long 9/16" Irwin with the plastic covering still on the tip. Not bad for $2. The 3/8" chisel is marked Stanley No. 720, for $3 it got a ride home.
