I don't know how much suction a DC venting outside creates on doors, cracks, etc... But that DC is rated for 2000CFM at 3in WC, which is a lot.

I have a large explosion-proof fan in my finishing room. I don't recall the CFM rating of it, but it's pretty large. The amount of suction it creates looking for makeup air is amazing. Literally, it would slam a door open if you open it a crack. And good luck closing the door to the shop when it is running. It actually sucks air from the elevator shaft, 30 feet away in the garage into the garage to add makeup air from the garage to the workshop. I have to leave the workshop door wide open to use it.

So providing makeup air is a real thing. Especially with the 5HP Oneida. My 5HP Oneida is fully contained in the workshop, so not sure how mine would do exhausting outside, but not going to try.

In my climate in Florida, exhausting outside would make a huge difference in the climate in the shop. I think it would too in your climate in NH in the winter.