I hear all the time how woodworking is so relaxing for people, yet it stresses me out? I always over think everything due to adhd and im pretty sure its ruining it for me. I literally look forward to my day off for a week planning to get out in the shop, only to stand there staring at a project trying to figure something out in my head until i get stressed out and lock up to go do something else.

Prime example:
I've been working on a variation of the work bench from Jay's custom creations plans for probably 2 years now. The first year went into making the top that I'm still not happy with, but wasted so much oak and walnut on it that I cant bring myself to start over. Its about 3ft x 7ft x 3in, but I'm pretty sure I went through enough oak and walnut that someone else could have made 5 full benches with. Then I spent another month and forest worth of oak and walnut making the legs. Not doing detail work just gluing them up and cutting the main tennon that will go through the top.

Its time to cut the mortise holes in the top but I've been stuck at that stage for over a year now. I keep going out staring at it planning how to cut them. Then buying tools or whatever I think ill need before going back out deciding i don't want to do it that way then getting stressed out and repeating the process over and over.

I'm pretty sure this is the worst possible hobby for me but I'm too invested to admit defeat and give up.

I started gathering tools probably 7 years ago with the goal of building a guitar. All those years pass and I never started a guitar yet. I keep telling myself that I need to finish the bench first.

So essentially I had a two story 24 x 24ft garage put up, equipped it with thousands of dollars worth of tools and stockpiled thousands of dollars worth of wood. So far in the 4 years since the building went up all I've done was mill a bunch of logs and make a few trinket boxes. My wife loves throwing that in my face lol. I gave her the first box made out of cherry with half blind dovetails when i first got my incra router table setup. Every time someone sees the box and asks about it she tells them its her $40k custom cherry trinket box. Then goes on to explain that I apparently spent $40k to build her that box since she has yet to see any other finished projects come out of my shop. Lol

In my defense I've been working 70+ hours a week so I dont have much time out there

Maybe tomorrow ill figure out how I want to cut those 4 mortises and get it moving? Lol I doubt it.