27 Jul 2020

This past week has been a busy one with the day job as well as getting the 2 full sized doors done for The LOML's new kitchen pantry. The doors are finished and now hanging on their tracks so the doors slide from side to side. We didn't want doors that swing open so space would not be invaded each time the doors were open. The decision was made by me to simply put the doors in as sliders. Works good! Been developing a software tool kit for me and my team at the day job. Lots of changes in the works and I'm coming up with ideas to develop software tools to use to help make things easier down the road for us. Like many other companies, ours has been hit pretty hard with COVID impacts and my senior manager was "let go" last week. His last day is this coming Friday and I hate it...he's one of the best "leader" that I've ever worked for. I won't talk about who they put in his place, because I have nothing nice to say about the new person at all.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.