When we got into a trade war with China, there was a report on NPR about some businessman who figured it was a good time to bring his manufacturing back to the US so he could avoid the tariffs. He was dismayed to find that the machinery he would need to make his widgets are made in China. That concerned him because support would have to come from China as would parts, etc.

I think we have a long way to go.

So who do I blame? Harvard MBAs.
Another report on NPR some time ago talked about MBA's back in the '70s classifying businesses as dogs, cows, and stars.

Dogs are businesses that don't make money and never will.

Cows are businesses that make plenty of money but don't show a lot of growth potential. These were things like appliances and TVs.

Stars are the businesses that are sexy new things and show tremendous growth potential. Hi tech. nuff said.

The MBA's said liquidate the dogs, outsource or sell off the cows overseas and plow money into the stars. Of course they also raided the 'overfunded' pension funds and other shady stuff. But the core strategy for dogs, cows and stars kind of describes what's been happening.