Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
As soon as I get healed up...I intend to sort through the "extras".....ones that do not work anymore...toss. Ones that do work, and be of use to another woodworker..I pass along, as a "Paying it forward" option. I intend to pare the tool kit down quite a bit...will save time digging around for the tool I need for a task....Will keep some as "parts" to fix any tools that happen to break.

Planes: I happen to have almost every size in either a smooth sole, or a grooved sole....and can keep testing to see which works best on what wood. Will see how the #3c, the #4c, the #6c and the #7c hold up, against the #3, #4, #6, and the #7....

However...what is a person to do, when at the next yard sale, they find a Stanley #3, type 11....for $5.....tain't fair....
We're very weak, Bandit! I've tried that many times, then I come across this D16 that I have to have, even though I have a dozen already. Or find another washita, or a plum bob (did I mention the hundreds of plumb bobs that have taken up residence with me?).