I turned my first 4 bowls just before Christmas.

For the finishing process, I came across the Beall buffing system, so I finished my bowls by sanding down through the grits to 320 and then applying a 3 wipe on coats of General Finishes "Wood Bowl Finish" with a little, very light 600 grit sanding between coats.

After that I rubbed it with steel wool.

I the used the Beall 3 wheel buffing system, going between Tripoli, White Diamond and the a touch of Carnauba Wax.

I was happy with the results.

My question, over the last couple of evenings, I came across Yorkshire Grit and it seems to be very popular.

Would I just use the Yorkshire Grit after sanding and then still buff with the Beall system or use the Yorkshire Grit instead.

I guess I'm totally ignorant in the steps of using Yorkshire Grit or if in my case, it would be of any benefit.
