(Mods: This may be a bit too Off-Topic for Workshops. Feel free to move to the Off-Topics forum if appropriate)

As a hobbyist, I work out of my attached, but unheated garage. This time of year the temperature becomes a limiting factor. 47 degrees is the critical line for me (Titebond III). There are a lot of weatherstations that could tell me the current temperature, but I wanted a solution to help predict what the temperature will be through the first few hours of cure time. I couldn't find anything out there that met my needs, so I ended up "building" my own solution.

Using a Raspberry pi device and a software-defined radio, I collect temperature & humidity data from Acurite thermometers. I have a thermometer inside my garage, and one outside. I process and upload that data for logging and visualization.

The result: https://thingspeak.com/channels/905684/

I can provide a more in-depth walk through of what I did if anyone is interested. (Requires a fair bit of IT/computer knowledge)