Quote Originally Posted by Prashun Patel View Post
very interesting. Is it because a higher back creates more of a tendency to tip back? Chair geometry fascinates (reads 'eludes') me.

Tends to elude me as well. The backs are pretty high, and heavy, which is a big part of the tippy problem. And the angle is too much - next set I'll decrease the angle the backs are at which will help a lot. As you can see the back is pretty far out from the curved leg as it hits the floor. I thought about moving the bottom side stretcher up, which would have allowed me to make a bigger curve on the bottom of the leg, thus decreasing the amount the back overhangs, but it didn't look right to me. These chairs were purely a build and learn experience. But discovering that I prefer a more level seat is something that will be included in the next set. For better or for worse - won't know till I get there.