I was grabbing a piece of sapele off my wood rack upstairs today and noticed a 5/4 board I had forgot about that was marked "red heart" and came from my cabinetmaker neighbor a number of years ago when he gifted me a pile of odds and ends. I'm not convinced it's "red heart", but whatever it actually is, it has a similar ribbon pattern to the sapele but is clearly a different color as you can see below. I think it may be paduk but I could be wrong about that. It's also very dense and heavy. Since it was pretty darn flat, despite having been in storage for a long time, I skimmed it through the thickness planer since I was already using it for something else and wow.. holy intense color, Batman! You can see the comparison to the sapele in the second photo.

IMG_5588.jpg . IMG_5589.jpg

Whatever it is, I'm surly going to find some project to use it!