It's coming up on 20 years of being in my latest "vocation" (landlord/rentals/rehabbing houses).
It's about time to move on to something else.
The quest & question is - what to do next?

I started working in retail in about 1966 and left that after about 20 some years, went back to vocational school and entered the electronics/computer/IT field in 1990. I retired from that field in 2010 and switched over to being a full time landlord/house rehabber. Like my previous career, I began the landlord thing in 2002, but, only really got into it in 2005.

I'm now facing some financial decisions that make staying in this area for any length of time a "go/no go" sort of decision.
My wife needs a new vehicle & the lease is up on my RAV4 in September. I've been perfectly happy with leasing. No trade in to worry about and no real expensive repair bills - plus a fixed monthly expense has it's advantages.

Financially - we're pretty well set. We still have to watch every penny - but - that's more of a good habit picked up along the way to getting to the age of 67 than a real need. It's more of a - we don't really "need" the money, but, it would be welcome. Even if the venture breaks even, as long as it's something enjoyable that would be fine also.

I have just plain come to the conclusion that - - I enjoy bringing in a paycheck. I started making my own money are roughly the age of 6. (I stocked milk cartons in the cafeteria cooler for $.25 a day - - fantastic money for a 6 year old in 1958!)
& with the exception of an 18 month hiatus ---it "looked" better on a resume to list that you devoted all your time to studies - - I've worked and brought home a paycheck my whole life.

So with that in mind, how about some suggestions.

(bearing in mind that - -this will probably mean an end to the woodworking)