Nice work, Vincent!

I recall that from a long while ago that Stan had mentioned plans for it, and I know of a blacksmith making them individually for western planes with an ura (I don't recall who, offhand). The Tsunesaburo one that I have was flat on the back but I tapped out to create an ura.

Having the ura is definitely better but I think they either pre-bend them or bent them in a machine to set them after heat treating. Or perhaps they have some sort of hydraulic clamp for them while they're being quenched (I have no idea, just speculating).

I'd imagine it becomes very predictable when the steel and iron are of uniform size and the heat treatment process is always the same and so they can immediately counter it through some process. They sell retail at about $45, so the landed cost in the US is probably about $15-$20, so the price to a manufacture buying these in the hundreds at a time should be cheaper still but maybe it is still yet more expensive than making them in A2. They're probably $4-$5 in materials plus processing for A2 irons, so I'd further assume it is nearly a wash.