Quote Originally Posted by Brian W Evans View Post
I don't need my slider or my WP T-Square or my Starret combo square (or, or, or...), but they make me happy. Nobody else needs to understand why since it's my money. I'm not even sure I understand why.
To each his own, live and let live, everyone marches to their own drummer, etc.
I think it's because we appreciate that someone, or a company, is more involved with manufacturing a quality product, than the "race to the bottom". It's the same with my Lie-Neilsen planes and chisels. The Stanley's and Miller Fall's tools I've picked up through the years will do exactly the same thing, but I like using the LN's. It's rewarding to have a tool that a company cared about making.
Let's face it, at the end of the day, with the exception of the people on the forum that make their living from wood working, we would be better off economically to have gone to IKEA, than to have made our last project ourselves.
But we don't.