Shaping the curved faces of the drawers was a lot of work, and I was very pleased to see it done. Dusty and dirty.Not fun. Now the inside faces need to be done, and this will complete the the third stage of building the drawers (the first stage was to fit parallelogram-shaped drawer fronts into their recesses, and the second stage was dovetailing the fronts).

The drawer front shaped on the outside only ...

Blue tape (what else! ) is added to upper and lower edges ...

The inside curve is scribed ...

Pulled apart, the rear of the drawer front is chamfered with a round bottomed spokeshave to prevent spelching ...

The waste is removed with rasps - this is an Auriou 10 grain ...

Three rasps in all are used to remove and smooth, ending with this 15 grain ..

The surface is refined and finished with a scraper ..

Final shots of the completed drawer front ...

Regards from Perth
