I have several Stanley planes in various states of rehabilitation, but I'm a bit frustrated with getting the finish right on the knobs and totes. I find now that I prefer the lower gloss, less artificial feel of something like an oil finish, however I don't like how my Danish oil darkened the rosewood and seemed to hide the grain. I've also tried spray shellac (rattle can) and well, fool me once....

Is there an oil finish available that's almost completely clear so as to preserve the color and grain in the wood? BLO seems to have an orange-y tint to it, but maybe that's my best bet?

What kind of finish does Lee Valley use on their plane totes and knobs? Not sure I'm good enough to reproduce similar results, but I like the look and feel of those as an alternative, assuming they're not an oil finish.

I have much to learn. Typically have always just used stain and brush on poly for everything.