Quote Originally Posted by Ron Citerone View Post
I am retiring after 35 years of Middle School Tech ED/Industrial Arts teaching. I will therefore lose access to my shop. I have a lot of portable power tools, but no real shop at home other than my garage which is packed to the gills. I was wondering if anybody ever made an arrangement with another serious woodworker who allowed buy in to their shop. This could mean a monthly payment toward electric etc. Also it could mean finding someone with space, but not the cash to buy some machinery which I could help with.

To my knowledge there are no woodworking clubs here. There is a woodworking school that offers open shop time in Philadelphia that has 3 month membership plans that I could get into during the winter months. Spring/Summer/Fall I could probably find enough other stuff to keep me busy working on my house and cottage etc.

Not looking for a specific place right now............more kind of looking for some discussion about arrangements others in a similar situation may have made.

Thanks, Ron
Indeed look for maker spaces in your area. My city has a maker space with a full metal-working and wood-working shop with monthly membership. Welders. SawStop cabinet saw. Bandsaw. Planer/jointer. Etc.