I'm in no rush, but would like to find a Japanese chisel that is durable (both in the sense of holding an edge and also in it's ability to be struck with a mallet), made with quality steel that can take a fine edge with proper technique and stones, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg (under $200 shipped to US.) I'm interested in 36mm because it is closest to 1 1/2" and that's the gap I have in my chisel collection. I actually have a couple of Witherby 1 1/2" chisels, but both need to be totally re-habbed with new bevels established, which is a lot of work that I don't have time for at the moment. All of my other timber framing chisels are old American steel (Witherby, Pexto, Union Tool, etc) which are great, but looking for something different and bit more refined for the 1 1/2", as it's a common go-to size in timber framing.

I will likely not be mortising by hand with this (or any other chisel) very much, if at all. I will use it for both paring and striking, but obviously need an edge (or at least a bevel angle) that can stand up to moderate striking. Mostly used in Doug Fir or various cedars, but white oak on occasion. I say this is for timber framing, but I'm sure if I like the chisel, it will cross over to finer woodworking as well, so not strictly timber framing.

I don't know very much about Japanese chisels, but have always been fascinated by them. The only Japanese chisel I've used much at all belongs to a old co-worker, who has one from Japan Woodworker....not sure which one it is from looking at their site. It seemed ok, but he complained about it being prone to chipping if used more than gently, though I'm not sure what bevel it was sharpened to.

I don't mind crying once to pay for quality in a tool that will likely see a lot of varied used, but keep my budget in mind. Looking forward to hearing some suggestions and places to purchase from. Thanks in advance.