Mi Mike. I haven't used those Wago connectors, but I know what you mean about twisting wires. I'm 90% done with running my new shop's electrical, and was running a 50 amp branch circuit. Ever try twisting 4 gauge? ha! Ain't happening. I was going to use a mechanical splice, but while at the electrical supply house, I was perusing the displays, and saw these:


OMG. It was the perfect solution. I needed a "T" in my 50 amp line, and three of these little do-dads saved the day for me. Took about 15 minutes to cut, strip and connect 9 wires up, whereas I was predicting well over an hour of time, 12' in the air, splicing wires. They ran just under $14 each, but the time savings and hassle factor were worth it to me.
