Quote Originally Posted by Ken Fitzgerald View Post
Pat....I believe we are part of nature. I would suggest that nobody knows what "nature" had or has planned. As the population "naturally" expanded man's imprint on the land has expanded too. I am not defending past practices merely saying current practices are improving.

Even nature has and is constantly changing. The only thing guaranteed in life and death is "change". In 1964 on the first day of a geology class at the University of Idaho, a professor said "We coming to the end of an ice age of which there has been several." Some geologist think there are geological proof that the earth has warmed up and refroze several times.

While the forests in years past were pretty much trashed, it's not the case any more. Selective clearing cutting is a good example of how the logging processes have improved.

On private land, logging can be conducted any way they want within the limits of certain protective guidelines.

On federal land, they do have to meet standards. Calling loggers rapists? That's a little harsh!

Let me guess....you aren't a logger. You wouldn't be affected financially if they stopped all commercial logging. It is easy to be a critic of the other man's game.

What is or was your profession?
Starting from the last and working toward the first of your questions / comments
I am an engineer, not a logger.
I would not be directly affected financially if they stopped all commercial logging, but why do you jump to such an extreme point?
I will take pictures my next trip to the cabin, although now that spring is here the real damage won't be so easy to assess but the thought that does come to my mind is rape as to a good description of the logging practices I have seen recently - up close and personal. I wish it were federal land because maybe the rules would keep the loggers in line. Basically they whack down any tree in their path, then toss aside the ones they don't plan to sell. They cut off all the branches and leave the stumps and leave the unneeded trees piled up (not exactly the way nature would have it). Its an eyesore and it makes me sick to see the way they treat the forest in pursuit of a few lousy dollars profit per tree. The loggers are hired hands and I guess we could blame the property owners but all they do is own the property, they don't live on or near it. Seriously, if you think these are good practices or acceptable because that's what it takes to make a living from the forest, then go find a job where your destruction has less impact.
The idea that modern man is part of nature is so comical as to be the plot of a new comedy series (summer only). Where exactly do you equate 4 wheelers by the dozens tearing up the earth, and the loggers with their power equipment raping the forests willy nilly, and hugely overpowered fishing and pleasure boats tearing up the lakes as being part of nature? In my opinion, as valid as yours by the way, they are the antitheses of nature, not part of it. They are the cancer on nature.
Now I can see you are very passionate about forestry and I am not saying you didn't practice proper conservation and care for nature - its just not all folks out there are like you. Most tend to do more net damage than you may have, some its nothing but damage.