The first couple of times I thought I was having a heart attack. Eventually I learned to deal with it on my own until I went to the doctor and got meds.
It's ironic that I had a similar experience. I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the ER. After some tests and an overnight stay, the doctor said I had acid reflux and gave me a script for something. I took the medication and my stomach felt worse and worse as each day went by. I quit taking the stuff and my stomach started to feel better.
Prior to taking that stuff - I wish I could recall what it was, but, it's been over 15 years since that happened - I'd have occasional heart burn.
After that stuff though, every once in a while I'd feel like a volcano went off in my gut and throat.
I ran across the vinegar remedy about five years ago.
I'd eaten some of my mother in law's "molten digestive tract sloppy Joe's". I love those things, but, they really do a number on me. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying so I gulped down a swig of dill pickle juice.
The relief was instant and 100% total.

The "pink stuff" and all the other over the counter stuff have always taken some time to kick in and do thier job. I'd always go through a good half hour where I felt like my back teeth were being eaten away by battery acid. The swig of pickle juice was like flipping a switch. One second was agony and the next instant relief.

I know it's hardly anything at all close to a credible study, but, it's worked for me.
Any time I even think something I eat is going to give me trouble, I'll munch on a dill pickel or some peppers from a jar, or hose something down with Tobasco or Italian salad dressing - anything that has a good amount of vinegar in it.
My MIL's "Gut bombs" are a good example.
I noticed the times they didn't bother me were the times she also made cucumbers in vinegar.
(She slices up cukes and puts them in a mix of vinegar. water, salt and pepper.)

I have to admit though, that, every time I feel that "lava" start to burn and I reach for something w/vinegar, I more or less expect it to be the time it won't work.
I really don't place a lot of stock in home remedys for the most part.
So far though, so good w/the vinegar.