I occasionally buy a grab bag box of exotic hardwoods from my local woodcraft store. Most of the time I have know idea what most of the wood is. In the recent box was a strip of wood about 1x1x14 inches with a distinct green color to it. When I cut the wood into segments for making ornaments it was a nice caramel color inside, very pretty wood. I glued some up and turned the ball portion of the ornaments and left them sitting on the workbench until I could finish the rest of the pieces (a couple days). Today I picked them up and the wood had turned back to the green color of the original strips. I've seen wood change color over time but never this drastic, this strange a color, or this fast. This wood was very heavy and also very oily, two characteristics I read about Lignum Vitae. Have any of you ever worked with Lignum Vitae and had any experience with it changing colors when exposed to air?