Sorry, but I just have to vent. Maybe someone will have a helpful suggestion (ha ha, I mean a good suggestion).

So I was in the garage this morning and grabbed a pile of saw blades that had been used to the point that they needed to be swapped out. I have 6 of them here, three 40 tooth and three 60 tooth carbide blades. Delta and Oldham brands on them. They weren't particularly expensive.

I am not aware of any blade sharpening services in my area (NYC suburbs). My guess is it hasn't been the kind of profession that has attracted people lately, and real estate is just too pricey to justify use of the space etc for such a business. I was planning to pack them up and send them to Forrest for sharpening.

So it looks like the 40T blades are $20 to sharpen, the 60T's are $22. That's $126. Return shipping is $9 for the first blade, $1 for each additional. Meaning $141. Plus whatever it costs me to ship to them, which I assume is about the same $15. So, let's just say it's $150 to send these off and get them sharpened.

The approximate equivalent saw blades can be purchased new from Home Despot for $16 to $20 each (the Avanti brand 40T is $16.97, 60T is $19.967).

I guess the partial answer is, it doesn't make sense to use a service like the Forrest service except for high-end blades.

Fine. But what is a regular guy supposed to do with old "non-high-end" blades? Throw them away and just buy a new one? There is something just plain wrong with that. I don't know why or what the solution is, but it's just not right.